Part 1

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Hello to anyone who was willing to read this! I am new to writing fanfiction but I'm kinda proud of this. If you hate it or love it or think I need to work on something please let me know! Just be nice about it... Please? My feelings are hurt easily...

"Well this is a spectacle you do not see every day!" Rowena heartedly chuckled at the situation. Dean glared desperately at her as Castiel stood awkwardly to the side. Mary stood closest to Rowena with a small baby in a light blue blanket. All five were in the main room of the bunker.

"Can you fix Sam or not?" Mary asked gesturing with her head to the sleeping package in her arms.

"Oh don't fret my dear! This spell will wear off by itself, just give it a week or two." Rowena sat down at the Men of Letters table with her tea that Dean had made her upon request.

"What, you -you can't speed up the process? Give him a pill or something?" Dean struggled to phase his question as he gestured with one hand.

"I'm afraid, Dean, that will do more harm than good. Being de-aged then re-aged like this in the same week - let alone the same day - could have some serious side effects on our poor Sam here. Just look at him, the spell that witch cast on him very well left him exhausted! Not to mention reversing it can go wrong. Best just to wait."

"Well at least we know that witch can't do any more damage." Castiel spoke up from his position.

"Either way, you're gonna have to take care of this wee babe until the curse wears off. Now, know this, although Sam is - in every physical sense - an infant, his mind is still completely developed, he still has all his memories and a functioning thought process. Yet, he has the same amount of control over his body as any child of this age would. Crying, vomiting, pooping and so forth are all a part of this package deal."

"So we practically have to treat a fully grown Sam like a baby?" Dean asked Rowena.

"Precisely my dear. He can't eat by himself, walk, talk and he mostly certainly isn't toilet trained!"

Mary looked down at Sam, "Well, that isn't anything I haven't gone through before." She gently rocked him in a very content manner.

Rowena put her cup down and stood up, "Well I best be off then, call me if you run into any trouble." With that Rowena exited the bunker, the door leaving a loud clang after her that consequently startled Sam awake.

He was silent, but obviously confused and started thrashing his arms.

"Oh hey, Sam." Mary tried to soothe him, it only took a few seconds before he stilled. "Looks like you'll be like this for a week or so, it will wear off eventually don't worry."

Sam began burbling, then his face reddened and he began crying. Rowena was right when she said he had no self-control.

"No don't, it's okay Sam. We'll take care of you and soon you'll be back to normal," Mary comforted her youngest son, but although his wails lowered, his crying refused to cease.

"He hasn't eaten all day, perhaps he will calm down with some food?" Castiel offered.

"Okay, I'll go get baby food and some other supplies, Sam can't live in nothing but a blanket for two weeks," Mary replied, "Dean, can you occupy your brother while I'm out? Please?"

"Well, why do you get to leave?"

"Because, as a Mother, I know what I'm looking for."

"Well-," Dean couldn't think of a good excuse, he doesn't really have any successful baby shopping experiences, "Fine, hand him over."

Sam was deposited into Dean's waiting arms. Dean smiled approvingly when Sam calmed down completely. He looked down into his brother's large brown eyes, seeing and remembering the puppy-like demeanour Sam had possessed even as a baby. Sam smiled and burgled happily, then must have realised that he was being cradled by his older brother, his mood quickly changed and Sam huffed as he attained a neutral face.

"Aww, embarrassed are we? Can't handle being taken care of by your big brother?" Dean laughed at the noise that came out of Sam's mouth, a kind of undignified spurt of stringed syllables. Along with the noise, came a large wad of spit, causing Dean to laugh and use the blanket to wipe his chin.

Mary smiled at her boys before waving goodbye and leaving the room with her wallet in hand.

"It's hard to believe that Sam could have possibly been this small as a child, when he is so overpoweringly tall as an adult." Castiel mused as he came up to inspect Sam closer.

"Yeah, he hit a massive growth spurt mid-teens. He was so annoyingly proud of himself when he overtook me." At that comment, Sam giggled at his brother, "Oh shut up, I have complete power over you!"

Castiel looked thoughtful for a moment, "Where is he going to sleep?"

Dean thought for a moment, "Mum's room has an extra mattress under her bed, I'm sure she wouldn't mind Sam sleeping there."

"I can go set it up, I don't have anything else to do."

"Oh, thanks Cas. You don't have to though."

"I want to help. In my experience, children are difficult to care for." Castiel glanced to Sam's insulted face, "Even if they are fully mature."

Castiel walked off in the direction of Mary's room. Leaving only Dean with Sam. Dean sat at the seat that had previously been occupied by Rowena and laid Sam on his lap, so his head was resting on Dean's knees.

"You know, I would trust you to be the one to get hit by a witch curse during a hunt." Dean laughed at the high-pitched whine that came from his baby brother, "What? You know it's true, and now we have to deal with diaper changes and putting you to sleep."

Sam looked embarrassed at the thoughts of what exactly his family is going to have to do for him, his face reddened again. 'Child-like mood swings are going to be a problem' Dean realised. Against Sam's will, his embarrassment turned to tears. "Oh, hey hey! Calm down!" That did nothing but caused Sam to cry louder.

Dean stood and rocked the bundle in his arms, but the crying didn't cease. He heaved his brother up so Sam's chin was on Dean's shoulder and began humming Metallica. After a few minutes Sam seemed to wear himself out and he fell asleep on Dean's shoulder.

Carefully, Dean snuck his way to Mary's room. Castiel met him halfway.

"Dean, what are you-"

"Shhh..." Dean put a single finger to his lips. Dean walked the rest of the way with Cas following, then opened his Mother's door. Slowly, he deposited the child onto the ready-made mattress on the floor and crept out of the room.

Dean turned back to Castiel, "This is gonna be a hectic couple of weeks."

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