Part 7

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Sam watched as the two adults discussed what to do for him. It was a relatively short conversation, but to Sam it seemed to drag on, not because he was impatient, but because he was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the way their daughter was looking at him. She stood behind her Father's legs and fluttered her eyes at him as she twisted a strand of her hair around her forefinger.

Sam figured that she had picked up a few dirty tricks from watching TV or maybe even an older sister, but coming from her, they looked ridiculous. Sam tried to ignore her, show her he wasn't at all interested in flirting with a two year old, but she was predatory. After what felt like ages- but was only a few seconds- she walked over to him, exaggeratedly swinging her hips.

Sam looked up at her parents in a silent plea to make her stop, but they were oblivious to the obvious peril he was in. The little girl got really close to his ear, having cornered him against a shelf full of pillows, and not at all seductively whispered, "My name is Elizabeth, you call me Liz."

Sam scrambled away from her and towards the two adults- his safest bet right now. By that time they had finished their conversation, the Mother knelt down in front of him, "What's your name sweetie?"


"Okay, Sam, are you here with your parents?"

Sam nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"Where did you last see them?"

"Cothz," he replied softly. He couldn't believe this was happening, he was being helped to find his 'parents'. Dean was going to tease him forever.

The woman extended a hand to him, but he refused to take it. She smiled softly at him before walking side by side with her husband. Sam trotted after, angry at himself that this was even happening. Suddenly, he felt a small hand slip into his. He jerked away and looked at Elizabeth. She looked away chuckling.

He picked up his pace. She followed.

He folded his arms tightly. 'I bet she and Becky know each other'.

It was an annoyingly long time before Sam was back inside the jungle of clothes. He was sure it didn't take that long to get lost.


Sam turned around to find Mary running up to him, Dean jogging right behind. She knelt down and hugged him briefly, before checking him for non-existent injuries.

"You must be his Mother," the woman said. Sam realised he didn't even know her name.

"Yes, you must be our saviour."

She laughed and extended her hand, "Adalind, this is my Husband, Shane."

Mary took the hand, "Mary."

Adalind looked over at Dean, "And you must be the Father," she said pushing a hand towards him.

Dean looked startled for a bit, then awkwardly smiled and shook the offered hand, "Uhh, yeah. Dean."

Adalind nodded, then smiled down at Sam.

"We better go," Adalind announced grabbing Shane's hand.

"Thank you for finding Sam," Mary replied politely.

The couple began to walk away, then Shane turned back around, "Come on, Liz."

For what felt like the hundredth time that day, Sam became very uncomfortable with the way this girl was looking at him. Before he could say or do anything at all, Elizabeth ran up and kissed him.

The adults all laughed when Liz ran back to her parents, but Sam was left on the floor wiping his mouth and contorting his face in disgust.

When the family walked away, Dean began chuckling more heartedly.

"Aww, Sammy! You have an admirer!"

Sam slapped his brother with his best bitch face.

Mary stepped closer to Sam and placed a hand on his shoulder, protectively shielding him from further embarrassment.

"We'll get the clothes and go," Mary said decisively.

From that moment to the time the three were on the road again, Sam didn't say a word. The two adults didn't push him.

When the impala finally pulled into the bunker, Dean looked in the rear view mirror to see Sam was asleep. He smiled, caught his Mother's attention and gestured to the back seat.

Mary smiled sweetly at her youngest and came around to the back door to grab him. His heavy head rested on her shoulder.

She walked inside with Dean trailing behind her, bags in hand.

Mary placed Sam on his own bed and kissed his forehead. She brushed his hair out of his face.

"My little angel."

To all those who were reading my other story, I'm putting that one on hold to work on this one. This is far more popular!!

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