Part 12

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Sam squirmed in Dean's arms. The older brother had to hunt Sam down after he refused to let Sam bathe himself- if he couldn't go to the toilet himself, Sam wasn't going to be left alone in a large tub of water to drown. Sam didn't agree.

"Come on, Sam! You haven't had a bath in days!"

"I can do it myself!"

"You aren't even strong enough to turn the taps."

Sam huffed and childishly struggled again. Dean tightened his grip. The brothers walked into the bathroom and Dean quickly turned and locked the door before setting Sam down.

Sam did try, but he couldn't reach the lock. He sat down with his legs crossed and his back to the door, pouting.

Dean just rolled his eyes and started the water.

A few minutes passed. "Sam, you have to get in."

Sam didn't do anything.

Huffing, Dean grabbed Sam and lifted him to his feet, "If you don't get in, I'll strip you myself."

"You can weave, Dean."

"Sam, please, last time you were this age, you nearly drowned twice in the bath when I wasn't with you."

"I'm not a kid."

Dean ran a hand down his face. He glanced around briefly, his eyes landing on the long forgotten bubble solution at the back of an open cabinet. He doesn't even remember who bought it. Probably himself.

He strode over and grasped it. He squirted a hefty amount into the running water. The bath instantly began to fill with white, scented bubbles.

Sam watched, insulted. When Dean was done he turned back to his brother. The bubbles completely masked the water's surface.

"There, now get in."

Sam looked at the bath irritably. Then realised that with the bubbles, he will be completely covered. Or at least his lower half.

Sam relented, Dean wasn't going to let him bathe unsupervised. Sam slowly took his shirt off, Dean turned around while he pulled his pants off.

Sam forced himself down and got as comfortable as he could. His knees to his chest.

Dean sat on the closed toilet lid.

A few minutes dragged by in silence. Dean eventually passed his brother the shampoo. Sam tried to open it, and succeeded after a few slips, but for some reason, he couldn't coordinate his hands to squirt the bottle properly. Dean took the bottle and helped him.

That would have been the end of it, but Sam managed to get the shampoo into his eyes. They were far too sensitive for the devil's liquid.

Sam shot his hand up to his eyes, trying to rub it out, but only making it worse.

"Dude," Dean said as he knelt in front of the tub, "What's wrong?"

"Shampoo," Sam replied quietly and tearfully.

Dean snickered slightly before he grabbed a clean cloth from the sink and wiped Sam's eyes.



Dean's expression softened slightly, "How 'bout I do it?"

Sam pouted but turned around anyway, giving Dean access to his hair.

Dean softly massaged the shampoo into his hair, keeping the shampoo above the hairline.

The rhythmic massage of Dean's fingers relaxed Sam. He became more and more comfortable, and he got very sleepy. Dean noticed. He grabbed a jug from the cupboard and washed Sam's hair out, taking a minute to clean Sam's back and shoulders briefly with the discarded cloth.

Sam's head lulled forward, he hadn't received very beneficial sleep as of late, and the spell still seemed to strain him, he was half asleep.

Dean grabbed Sam's shoulder and pulled him back to a sitting position, he smiled at his brother's tired movements and grabbed a towel.

Sam was coherent enough to step out himself, but he nearly collapsed against the towel his brother had held up for him. Dean wrapped him up and carried him to his room, Sam barely registered.

Sam was asleep on Dean's shoulder when they finally made it to the room. Dean had to dress Sam himself.

He left Sam on the bed with wet hair and clean clothes.

He let the others know what happened, both of them smiling at the thought of Sam falling asleep in the bath.

Cas remembered the bracelet that Sam had told him about. He walked to Sam's room to slide it onto his wrist for him.

"Goodnight, Sam."

I just realised that I really stretched out that scene... But I still think it's kinda cute.

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