Part 8

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Sam slept for a long while. He didn't twitch the entire afternoon. All three adults of the bunker checked up on him periodically. It was when Dean and Mary were asleep that Castiel decided to watch over Sam full-time in case something happened to him.

It was past midnight when Sam began wiggling. His small hands began to thrash similarly to the first time this happened. Castiel stepped closer to eradicate Sam's nightmare but he woke up first, and he woke up crying.

Castiel hesitated for a second, not sure how to handle one of his best friends crying like this. He quickly picked him up though when it was obvious Sam wanted comfort. Even if Sam didn't fully comprehend that he had his arms outstretched towards Castiel.

Sam didn't care that his friend was holding him. He was warm and his trench coat was familiar. He snuggled into the angel, partly knowing that the gesture was the childish part of him making an appearance.

Cas rocked him gently, then sat down with Sam still in his lap, head on Castiel's shoulder and arms still around his neck. A few minutes passed before Sam stopped crying, Cas twisted his head awkwardly to look at Sam in the eye, "Are you okay?"

Sam nodded minutely.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Sam shook his head without looking at Cas.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?"

Sam hesitated for a second before shaking his head 'no'.

Cas was surprised, but didn't question him further. He tried to place Sam on the ground, but only resulted in Sam gripping him slightly harder. Cas knew that Sam was acting out of fatigue and childishness, but he couldn't help but smile and feel happy that Sam wanted him for comfort.

Cas held Sam and walked around the bunker, the rhythmic movements eventually lulling the man in his arms to sleep.


The following morning, as the occupants of the bunker were eating breakfast in the main room, there was a loud banging on the door. It opened before anyone could get up to investigate.

Rowena entered. "Good morning, Winchesters!"

Dean groaned deeply.

"It's glorious to see you too, Dean." Rowena walked down the steps, "I just decided to stop by and see how you lot were travelling along, from the looks of Sam, I suppose you didn't take my advice?"

Mary looked up at her defiantly, "We had a small bump, but everything's fine now."

"If he is healthy then I see no harm in it. Though I must ask, where did you find the spell exactly?"

"In the Men of Letters files." Castiel answered.

Rowena tilted her head innocently, "I don't suppose I could have a look?"

"No!" The three said in unison.

Rowena scoffed, "So much for trust. How about just a helping hand then?"

"No," they all repeated.

"Fine, but I don't suppose you could spare me some tea? And perhaps a biscuit?"

Dean rolled his eyes, but stood anyway. 'I can't wait until this is all over.'

Wow, this chapter's kinda sucky...

I know, I know, I know. Late, very late. But from the length of the chapter you could probably tell I have a bit of writers block. If you want more chapters, please comment suggestions!!

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