Part 2

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Mary came back with plastic bags hanging off her arms. Castiel strode his way around the corner.

"Mary, you're back." Seeing her load, Castiel stepped closer, "Do you need help?"

"Hi Castiel, yes please. Could you take these into the kitchen? I have more in the car."

"Of course." Taking the bags and walking into the kitchen, Cas met Dean standing over the stove about to cook burgers.

"Mary brought back baby supplies."

"Geez, is that it? It looks like she's bunking down for another apocalypse!"

"She has more to bring in."

Dean sighed dramatically, put the uncooked burgers aside and turned the stove off. He walked off to find his mother. In the garage he found her halfway inside the impala.

"What are you doing?" Dean questioned after seeing she wasn't just getting bags out of the backseat.

Mary pulled herself out and spun around. "Dean! Oh, just ah- installing a baby seat."

"He's not going to need that, he will be fine in a couple of weeks."

"I know, but he can't stay in the bunker that whole time, he will want to get out eventually."

Dean looked quizzicality at her, then stepped over to lean against the car. "You like this don't you? The fact that you're raising a baby Sam again. Like before you went to heaven."

Mary studied his face for a second before sighing and leaning next to Dean on the surface of the Impala, "Yes of course, I don't mind it I guess. This is the first thing that has happened to me that I have common ground with."

"Yeah, well I can't blame you for that. Which is why Sam is sleeping in your room right now. You can put him somewhere else, but I figured you wouldn't mind."

Mary smiled happily at her eldest son, "I don't mind in the slightest."

"Good, cause I'm not having a whiny baby brother in my bedroom." Mary laughed and Dean paused for a second before adding, "I'll finish the seat, you can go see if Sam is awake yet."

Mary smiled again, pushed herself off the car, grabbed the remaining bags off the floor and walked towards her destination. Within a minute she stood in the doorway of her bedroom gazing down at the young, innocent and sleeping face of her youngest child. It didn't take more than thirty seconds for Sam to begin thrashing, Mary strode up to the mattress and picked up the distressed infant. Sam woke instantly and clutched at Mary in fear. 'Nightmare' Mary concluded.

"Hey, Sam. It's okay, you're okay." Sam didn't calm down easily though. His screams were so frightful, Mary had to wonder with slight panic 'What on Earth was he dreaming about?' Mary was able to calm him down thoroughly enough after about ten minutes, so that his screams dampened to soft tears running down a reddened and splotchy face.

"Oh Sam." Mary rocked him slightly before adding, "You need proper clothes, this blanket won't do." She lowered Sam onto her bed then grabbed a bag from where she had left it on the floor. She pulled out a soft grey onesie that would reach his wrists and encompass each foot. She also grabbed a package of diapers and ripped it open to grab one.

Standing over him, Mary smiled and gently unwrapped the infant from the blanket. Sam, in some sort of embarrassment, tried to get away and keep the blanket on, but Mary easily held onto him. Working swiftly and efficiently, she strapped on the diaper and began gently tickling his stomach to calm him down, Sam unwillingly smiled. After putting the onesie on Sam, she picked him up in both arms again.

"I bet you're hungry by now, I have food waiting for you in the kitchen." Carrying Sam over to the bunker's kitchen and replacing him onto her hip so she had a free hand, Mary rummaged through the bags to look for the jars of baby food. She pulled out a few and Sam eagerly and hungrily leaned towards the packaged nourishment, Mary chuckled and set the jars in a row. "So, we have chicken mango and coconut, pumpkin corn and spinach, apple sweet corn and carrot or beef tomato and sweet potato. Which one do you want?"

"They all sound disgusting." Dean said from behind Mary with a nauseated face.

"Oh don't speak like that, your favourite baby food was pumpkin veg and couscous." Mary laughed along with Sam at the look Dean gave her.

Mary turned back to the row and leaned down so Sam could pick one. A clumsy hand waved in front of the jar labeled 'Pumpkin, corn and spinach'. Mary glanced to Sam's face and saw the frustration etched into his concentration, at this age he could barely control his limbs.

Mary straightened and grabbed a light green plastic spoon from a bag plus the jar and walked to the other side of the bench where it was clear. Sitting him down she opened the jar and scooped up the orange paste for Sam.

Dean watched with odd fascination. His mother seemed so natural and at peace with this. He shook his head and walked over to the bench to put the rest of the food away. He eventually came to one of the last bags and laughed when he saw the contents, causing both Sam and Mary to look over, only Sam lost his balanced and toppled over onto back. Mary put the jar aside and picked Sam up, she held his back to her chest so he could look forward and wrapped on arm around his stomach and the other underneath him. "What's so funny?"

"Okay Mom, I know you're super experienced with all this and you've done it before, but Sam does not need this." He picked out a small plush brown bear, and displayed it to the two of them. Laughing again at the disgusted look on Sam's face.

Mary looked down in slight shame but soon met Dean's eyes again. "Give that back, I just thought it might have been appropriate."

"For the mind of a fully grown man?"

One look at Sam's face and it was simple to tell that he agreed. Mary sighed, "Fine, whatever. Here take Sam." Mary took the bear and began walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"I still have other bags to unpack." Then Dean and Sam were left alone again.

Dean held Sam out at arms length and looked him up and down. Sam looked at him carefully and suspiciously. Dean looked around to double check he was alone then smiled almost devilishly.

"As girly as it is to admit it Sam, you are kinda adorable like this." Sam angrily glared at his brother, "And that face makes you look even more so. Plus I love how dependent you really are on all of us now, I can do whatever I want to you." Then with that being said, Dean threw Sam up just a little, causing Sam to slightly panic and grip onto Dean's sleeves.

Dean did it again and again laughing the entire time, finally he lifted Sam above his head and jiggled him a bit. Dean really never meant anything bad out of this, he just wanted to Sam to have a bit of fun but he fully regretted all of it when pumpkin, corn and spinach flavoured vomit cascaded down his face.

Dean stood there for a few seconds without moving, seemingly trying to understand what just happened or trying to figure out what he should do about the vomit that went into his own mouth. Finally he placed his anxious brother down onto the bench and went over to the sink to clean most of it off and spit out what he could.

Coming over his shock, Sam began to smile, then laugh very loudly. Dean turned around and glared at his brother.


Okay, I still have more ideas about where this story will head so please comment if you have reached this far into the story and want to read more. I need encouragement!

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