Part 11

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Rowena left soon after Cas suggested going out for lunch. Her reason being not wanting to intrude on their family time. She and Mary had been talking in the library together- presumably about Sam.

The three- with a large amount of influence from Dean- decided on getting burgers.

At the diner, Sam was almost insulted when the waiter gave him a kid's menu and said, "Here you go little man."

Sam looked down at his closed menu with scorn, Mary looked up at the waiter, "Thank you."

He walked off with a promise to be back for their orders.

After a few moments, Sam slowly opened the colourful menu, and cringed heavily when he saw that a picture of a clown was depicted on the inside cover. He was disappointed to see that the only salad came between bread on a meat patty.

Dean looked towards his brother and practically saw his brother's thoughts hanging in the air, "Come on Sam, you can finally eat like a kid again."

Sam scrunched his nose up, he guessed Dean expected him to be craving chocolate covered nachos again, but he didn't. He still had his adult eating preferences.

Dean obviously noticed this, "How about I order a burger with a side of salad, and you can have the plants ?"

Sam nodded immediately.

After they had finished eating, Sam decided to go to the bathroom. He didn't think it was going to be a hassle, but it was only when he was in the stall that he realised that he was far too small to reach the seat.

At the bunker, he was always able to find various objects in the bathroom to use as a step. Now, he had nothing in this small bland stall. He didn't want to walk back out, he was busting. He will just have to try and climb up.

After a few slips, a wet foot and a sore head, Dean came into the bathroom calling for Sam, asking what was taking so long.

There was no one else in the bathroom, Dean knocked on the only closed door. Sam regretfully opened the door, keeping his head down.

Dean took one look at him and knew that something was wrong, and he didn't like how his foot was soaked.

"What's wrong?"

Sam whispered, "I can't weach."

Dean looked surprised. He quickly noticed how embarrassed Sam was and did his best to comfortingly say, "Do you want me to help?"

Sam didn't say anything, so Dean took that as a yes.

He ushered Sam inside and locked the door, avoiding all eye contact as he lifted his brother up to sit in the toilet.

Mary rose an eyebrow curiously to her sons as they walked out of the bathroom together. But they didn't say anything.

The car ride home was relatively quiet, until Dean asked, "When was the last time you had a bath Sammy?"

Yes, when was the last time Sam bathed? Geez he must be stinking to high heaven!! You know what the next chapter is now!

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