Part 5

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Sorry this is pretty late, I was on holiday. So I hope I didn't lose any of my small audience... If you're reading this though, thank you so much!! I appreciate it.

Mary sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Well, I guess I'll have to go shopping again." She looked up and saw Castiel's disappointed face, "At least we tried, Cas."

"Well this was the risk," Cas replied in his usual gravelly tone.

Sam grunted and wrapped himself in the sheet tighter.

Dean gestured to his younger brother, "So now we have the official reverse Josh Baskin on our hands."

"Shud up, Dean," Sam shakily told his brother in a very much undignified tone. He stood up and bunched as much of the sheet as he could in his small arms, a large portion of a corner of the white material was left lying on the floor at Sam's feet.

Castiel apologised to Sam, "Perhaps I did the spell incorrectly." Of course, Cas knew he did it perfectly, he was extremely careful and handled each item the way you would handle a lump of ash-as if it would disintegrate between the fingers of the owner.

Sam was forced to crane his neck significantly in order to look anyone in the eye. He quickly concluded that the entire experience was one of the most hateful things to happen to him. Lucifer tormenting him, Jessica dying, the demon blood and even loosing his brother all seemed to be lowered in horribleness compared to his loss of height.

Sam placed his gaze onto Mary, "Did you buy any bigger clothes?" Sam asked in his child-like tone of voice.

"No, I'm sorry Sam. I am fairly skilled with a needle and thread though. I could try fixing you some clothes for you to wear until we buy more."

Sam nodded hurriedly, as if his own conviction on the matter will quicken time. He seemed almost disappointed when Mary smiled and nodded at him before she exited the room without having magically deposited the promised items in his hands first.

Left alone with the new toddler, Cas and Dean looked at each other at loss of what to do next.

Dean cleared his throat awkwardly and quickly decided on some ground rules to help control the new dilemma, "I'm just gonna lay this out right now, someone has to be with Sam all the time, and keep him away from sharp objects. Don't want him to turn into the joker or something."

Insulted, Sam defiantly glared up at Dean, "Not a shild, Dean!"

Cas glanced between the two brothers, "I agree with Sam. Even though he doesn't have full control of his speech, he still has all common sense, Dean."

"That won't matter, believe me, I can almost guarantee he will get himself in trouble in the time he's like this." Dean turned and directly addressed Sam, "Just try to keep yourself alive, okay?"

"Scwew you!"

Dean chuckled and ruffled Sam's hair, "That's cute."

Sam batted his brother's hand away, then his stomach groaned, causing Sam to blush. Dean smirked and glanced to the kitchen, "Come on then, at least you don't have to eat baby food anymore."

Sam toddled awkwardly after Dean, clearly not used to his underdeveloped legs. Castiel walked close behind in preparation to help Sam if he tripped, but secretly hoping he won't have to. Sam seemed to have the common sense to use the wall and many other objects to help steady himself.

Reaching the kitchen, Sam realised he couldn't even see the tabletop. He huffed and craned his neck as far as he could, to no success. Dean smirked and handed down a banana, "There, have your monkey food."

Sam glared at his brother and reached out to shove his leg but his childish coordination caused his hand to slip off Dean's limb and Sam nearly fell between Dean's legs. Sam stumbled dangerously, the older Winchester luckily wrapped his large hand around Sam's upper arm and lifted him back up before he crashed.

"Woah, you okay?" Dean asked stooping down slightly to look Sam in the eye.

Sam wrenched his arm free of his brother's insensitive protection, "'M fine." With nowhere else to, Sam sat down on the floor, his sheet surrounding him like a small white pond. He fiddled neglectfully with his food.

Cas looked on in great confusion at Sam's behaviour, then even more so when Dean sighed and rolled his eyes as if he expected this from his little brother. He admittedly has very little experience with children and their mood swings, but Sam acted as if Dean didn't just stop a nose bleed, and as if he wasn't hungry just a few minutes ago.

"I'm gonna go see if Mom needs help," Dean declared helplessly as he began to back out of the room. He then mouthed to Cas from behind Sam's back, 'Watch him,' then disappeared.

Cas looked down at his new charge, who was still not eating. "You should eat that."

"Not hungwy."

Cas took a half-step forward and slightly rose his hand, "Yes you are."

Sam half-heartedly tossed his fruit to the side, "Doesn't madder."

"Why are you so upset?"

"Why d'you think?" Sam looked down at the floor resentfully, "Now imma even bigger burden."

Castiel's face softened in understanding, "Sam, you are not a burden. Bad things continually happen to you, but that doesn't make you a burden to anyone."

Sam didn't say anything.

At a loss of what else to say, Cas asked a question he had been pondering all day, "What are your nightmares about?"

Sam did look up at that. After a second of thinking, he answered, "I don't ramember a lot of it."

Cas doubted that answer, but didn't prod much more.

About an hour later Mary came to Sam with fairly decent clothes, where she got the material, Sam didn't know. On close inspection however, it was obvious to see it was hand made. Changing into them, Sam figured they would be adequate for a while. A grey plaid shirt with buttons and khaki trousers.

They all agreed that Sam would need more clothes, Mary and Dean both volunteered to go with Sam to buy some. Cas told them he would prefer to stay at the bunker to research into more solutions for Sam.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for the three Winchesters to be loaded into the impala and on the road.

Please, please, please comment if you have any recommendations for me, if you like my writing style or not or if you think everyone is in character or not (I do try). Also let me know if I should include Rowena in later chapters, I think I will but if you don't want that to happen let me know!

Winchester Daycare for Grown Menजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें