Part 13

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Sam woke up the next morning by himself. No nightmares. He smiled when he saw the bracelet. 'It works! Cas must have grabbed it for me... I don't remember putting these clothes on.'

Sam blushed darkly when he realised what happened the day before. Yet his embarrassment of that situation didn't last too long. Perhaps his childishness was growing, but he was sitting in a wet patch. That was what he was embarrassed about. He knew he did occasionally wet the bed the last time he was this old, but he didn't want to tell anyone. 'Maybe no one is awake yet.'

Sam snuck outside the moment he changed his clothes. He heard a ruffling come from the kitchen, 'Crap.'

With his soiled clothes bundled uncomfortably in his arms, Sam silently made his way to the laundry. Once there, he found a bucket to stand upon to reach the sink and drop his clothes in, he poured a small amount of detergent over them, and filled the sink with water.

He let them soak while he crept back to his room. Who ever said a two year old needed help? He transported all his sheets to soak without being spotted.

He found new sheets and attempted to pull them onto his mattress. It was clumsy and twisted, Sam gave up on putting the sheets on.

He decided to go see who was in the kitchen. He trotted his way there, doing his best to seem like nothing was wrong and finally spotted Castiel, making breakfast. Or trying to at least.


Cas turned around surprised, "Sam! Why are you up so early?"

"I heard a noise come from the kitchen," Sam lied.

"Oh, my apologies."

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I-yer... was making breakfast for everyone. Seeing how stressed everyone is I thought I would try."

Sam noticed dark smoke rise behind Cas, "The toast is burning."

Castiel turned quickly and rushed to get the toast out. One slice got stuck and Cas was about to poke it out with a fork before Sam stopped him.

"Jus leave it for now."

Cas frowned, "I'm sorry Sam. You didn't eat dinner last night either because you fell asleep. You must be very hungry."

Sam looked around at the assortment of burnt toast, spilt pancake batter and undercooked scrambled eggs. "Maybe I can just have some fruit?"

Cas smiled, "That sounds reasonable."

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