Part 4

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"I don't know Cas, I mean you heard Rowena. It could go wrong." Dean counteracted to Cas's proposal.

It was still fairly early in the morning, the three adults of the bunker all stood in the kitchen with Sam still resting in Castiel's arms. The angel had voiced his findings from last night as soon as Mary and Dean were both awake.

"Yes, but, this is a Men of Letters spell, Rowena may have never seen it before. Call her if you like, let her look at it and give us her opinion, but before you woke up I found files documenting every counter-spell the Men of Letters has ever used. Perhaps they went through with this exact procedure and it's in there somewhere."

Mary pushed herself off the kitchen bench that she was leaning on, "Well, it's worth a shot."

After a few hours of going through the hundreds of files in the main room of the bunker, they found ways of reversing almost every spell, including some that the Winchesters had never heard of, after all what witches are running around cursing people with the inability to see any colour but purple or have spotted mould grow behind their ears?

Thankfully, they did find what they were looking for. Mary stood triumphantly and walked around the table to where Dean and Castiel were sitting, "Found it, looks like they cured three separate cases all together." She placed the open file down in front of her son and the angel.

"And did they work?" Dean asked.

"Two people were reversed successfully, the second trial's victim however did re-age, but not fully. Edith Smith was a 23 year old who was de-aged into a 5 year old and got re-aged into a 16 year old, however the effects still wore off after a week or so."

Castiel dragged the papers across the tabletop to see for himself, "That is promising, even if it doesn't fully work, an adolescent Sam won't be disastrous."

Dean scoffed, "Are you kidding? Having a moody and rebellious, hormone-pumped teen Sam would be way worse!"

Sam screeched at his brother from where he had been sat on the table. That was the first sound Sam had made since he had been put down. The three adults had just thought he was comfortable there or didn't want to disturb them, but when Mary laughed and lifted Sam, she realised exactly why Sam had been silent.

"Oh, Sam!" She said in a hushed and slightly surprised tone.

Dean and Cas looked up and both quizzicality asked her at the same time, "What?"

By this time, Sam's face was completely red, Mary took pity on him and decided against telling Dean and Cas the truth.

"I just realised he hasn't eaten in a while, I'll be back," Mary exited the room swiftly and headed into her room, where the spare diapers were. She laid a towel that she specifically bought for this exact purpose on the floor.
"Sam, just relax, it's normal and I'm completely used to it." She laid him on the towel and went to grab what she needed. When she turned back around he was on his stomach and seemed to be trying to escape.

"Sam! You can't live in a dirty diaper, you have to let me change you." She said carefully and motherly.

Sam stopped wiggling and went limp. Mary smiled and pulled Sam back onto the towel, turning him onto his back again.

In silence, Mary changed Sam, his legs kicked out every so often, no eye contact was made. After Sam was dressed again, Mary lifted him up and hugged him to her chest. "Just think, if we give you this cure, you won't have to go through this again."

Sam whined shamefully and hanged his head lower. Mary looked down at him sympathetically and walked back to the main room. Dean and Castiel seemed none the wiser of Sam's horrible experience.

"So, what do we think? Are we going to change Sam back?" Mary asked as she sat down again with Sam sitting on her lap.

"I don't see much of a downside, if it doesn't work we can still wait it out." Dean replied.

"We have all the ingredients here," Castiel gestured to the pile of seemingly random objects.

"Okay then, Sam? It's up to you," Mary looked down at him, "Final decision."

Sam enthusiastically nodded.

It didn't take long before everything was ready. Dean put Sam on the ground and placed a large sheet over him- for privacy reasons and reached underneath to take his clothes off, all while Sam was safe from view.

Castiel lifted up the bowel that he had prepared the dry potion in and carefully sprinkled it over the small sheet-covered lump.

A few sparks drifted around Sam's small body and he seemed to change shape. The sheet's lump was stretched out, but not for long as it stopped and the sparks disappeared. Only Sam still wasn't his normal size. He was still covered by the sheet, so Sam moved to wrap the sheet around himself to conceal his nakedness.

Cas, Mary and Dean stood around a now roughly three year old Sam.

Dean hung his head in exasperation, "Oh crap."

Thank you if you've made it this far into this! I really appreciate it. If you have any recommendations or ideas/requests please leave a comment!!

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