Chapter 7

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Jen and Josh Fanfic

You’ve Got Something I Need

Chapter 7


As I dialled Jen’s number, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. Jena had just told me that she had feelings for me! I thought my feelings for Jen were clear to Jena. I was still in shock, when Jen picked up.

“Hi, Joshy,” she said and I could tell she was smiling.

“Hey, I need to tell you something,” I said hastily.

“Yes? Josh, is something wrong?” she asked.

“Well...kinda, um...okay, I’m just gonna say it,” I took a deep breath. “Jena just told me that she has feelings for me.

“Oh,” Jen didn’t sound disappointed or angry like I thought she would be. “That’s fine.”

I frowned. “Really? Because right now I’m sort of freaking out.”

“Where is she? Jen asked.

“Still in the conference room, I got out of there as quickly as I could, I didn’t want to face her anymore. Are you sure it’s okay?”

Jen giggled. “Of course it’s okay. You’re mine and if you really, really like me and care about me as much as you say you do, then Jena shouldn’t matter.”

I nodded. “You’re right, she doesn’t. I’ll see you soon, bye.”

But the thing is, I didn’t see Jen soon like I said. In fact, we didn’t even see each other face to face over the three-week break. Every time I called her or texted her she was ALWAYS busy and one time I called her and all she said was,

“Sorry, Josh, can’t talk, gotta go, bye,” and hung up!

I was getting incredibly annoyed and frustrated at not just Jennifer, but myself as well. I had a feeling I’d let her slip out of my fingers.

I mean, yes, we’d only been together for like four days before the break, but I thought we’d made a real connection and we’d-well, at least I’d-been waiting ever since we first starting shooting the first Hunger Games movie to be together!


Finally, the day came that I would confront her about this. It was getting out of hand and I knew she wouldn’t be too busy to talk to me at work.

“Hey Josh,” Jena smiled at me and went in for a hug when I arrived on set, but I stepped away and gave her a high five instead. “It’s still awkward isn’t it?” she asked.

I smiled. “I’m afraid so.” Then we laughed, and it felt alright for a moment. “Have you seen Jen?”

“She’s in her trailer,” Jena replied and as I was walking off, Sam came up and gave Jena a hug.

I had butterflies in my stomach as I knocked on Jen’s door. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, or how she was going to react to what I was going to say, and I had absolutely no idea what she was going say.

“Hi,” she said, smiling, when she opened the door.

I smiled back. “Hey, I’ve missed you.”

“We need to talk, Josh.”

I frowned, but I did have a sneaking suspicion over the break that this talk was coming. She took my hand and sat down across from me on the couch.

“This just...isn’t working for me,” she said.

I nodded. “I understand.”

“Really?” she smiled slightly and looked relieved.

I frowned. “No! Of course I don’t understand! We were going fine, I didn’t do anything to make you mad at me or to put our relationship in it because we were best friends before?”

Jen shrugged. “Possibly, I’ve never been in a relationship with a really good friend before, Josh.”

“What about Nicholas?” I asked. I tried to look into Jennifer’s eyes, but she avoided me as best she could, looking everywhere, except me.

She shook her head. “No, he was only like an acquaintance to me before...a-anyway, it’s not working for me.”

I took both of Jen’s hands in mine and looked at her as she finally made eye contact. “Tell me what’s not working, maybe we can figure this thing out.”

Jen paused and slipped her hands out of mine. She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned, thinking for a moment. “Well, whenever I see you or even think about you I get this feeling in my stomach like I’m nervous and it literally feels like I’m going to die because my stomach is going to fall out...a-and whenever we talk like right now I get butterflies, it’s just not normal.”

I couldn’t hide my smile.

“What is it? Why are you smiling? I just told you I think we should break up,” she frowned and tilted her head to the side.

“Those things ARE normal, Jen!” I replied. I had a huge grin on my face, but Jen still looked confused. “Didn’t you get those butterflies and nerves in your stomach with other boyfriends or crushes that you’ve had?”

Jen shook her head and blushed a little bit. “No, nothing like it.”

“Jen, it’s good that you’re feeling that, it means you really care about me,” I smiled at the last part. “I get those feelings too.”

Jen smiled. “Really? Are you sure you’re not just trying to get me to stay with you?”

I laughed and shook my head. “I’m positive. Go ahead and ask everyone you’ve ever dated to see if they had those feelings with you, and I’m sure they’d say yes.” I shrugged.

Jen giggled and blushed. “Sorry, about that.”

“No, it’s fine. It was your first time feeling them. I had no idea what was happening when I first got them.”

Jen smiled. “Thank you,” she leaned in and kissed me sweetly on the lips. I pulled her into a hug, unable to wait any longer to be close to her.

I smiled as we hugged, our arms around each other and our heads on each other’s shoulders. Jen had no idea, but those feelings she felt?...They meant she was falling in love with me.

I hope everyone liked this one; the next one will be pretty interesting ;)

Happy New Years Eve as well! I know in some places it’s still the 29th or 30th etc. but it’s the 31st in Australia and in exactly seven hours and five minutes it’ll be 2014!

How is everyone celebrating NYE this year? I’d love to know :)

Love always,

Millie xo

You've Got Something I Need-Jennifer Lawrence and Josh HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now