Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


A few days after Elizabeth and Jena had told me their offer, Josh came over for dinner. I hadn’t had the chance to return his ring yet without him knowing, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him now.

Josh looked at his full plate of untouched food and sighed.

“Babe, is something wrong?” I asked, although I already knew what the problem was. “You seem...I don’t know, preoccupied.”

“Huh?” Josh snapped out of his little world and turned his eyes to me. “No, I-I’m totally fine. I just lost something that I really needed a few days ago and it hasn’t shown up since.”

Although, I didn’t want to, I played along. “Well...maybe I can help you find it. What does it look like?”

Josh shook his head. “You know, I think it’d be best if we just stop talking about it.”

I frowned, but I understood why he wanted me to shut up about it. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

Josh placed his hand over mine and squeezed it. “Don’t be, I’ve just been really worried about it. It’s not your fault.”

Well, that’s funny, because it actually is my fault!, I thought to myself.

I smiled at Josh when he picked up my hand and kissed it.

I wanted so badly to tell him of Jena’s idea for her and Elizabeth to help out with the wedding, but I had to keep reminding myself that we weren’t even engaged yet!


“Thank you for dinner,” Josh said as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. “It was delicious.”

“You sure you can’t stay the night?” I asked as we pulled away. I pressed my forehead to his and pouted.

He leaned in and kissed my pouted lips sweetly. “Maybe another night, I have to be up early for filming. Sorry, bee.”

That was a name he’d adopted for me. I was his bee, and he was my bear.

I kissed him again gently and then he left.

I walked back inside and sat down on my couch, staring at the ring. I knew I had to give it back, but every time I’d asked him if I could come over, he’d said he would rather come to mine or he was already on his way.

There was a knock on my door and I quickly put the ring back in the box and shoved it under a lounge cushion.

I took a deep breath and opened the door and was surprised by Jena and Liz standing there with big smiles on their faces.

I smiled back and they looked a bit relieved. “I’ve decided,” I said as calmly as I could. I tried to look upset and disappointed, but I think they saw right through me. 

I let them in made them tea, then sat down across from them at the kitchen table.

“I’ve decided that I wouldn’t like you not plan my wedding,” I said and smiled at them.

Liz frowned.

“Wait...what?” Jena asked and I could tell she was replaying my words in her head.

I rolled my eyes. “I want you guys to do it! Please, plan my wedding for me!”

They both jumped up, squealing excitedly, and hugged me.

“Thank you so much, Jen!” said Jena.

“You won’t regret it, we promise,” Liz pledged.

I thanked them again for doing it and then they left. I chose not to tell them that I still had the ring...

I had an idea later that night.


“Hey, Liam, have you noticed anything strange about Jen lately?” I asked. We were on set for the second last day of filming.

Liam shook his head and said with a mouthful of food, “No, she seems her boring, normal self.”

I shoved him and he chuckled. “A-Are you sure? Nothing at all?”

Liam rolled his eyes and took another bite of his lunch. “Look, I don’t usually pay much attention to Jen...most of the time I blank out when she opens her mouth, also I try to avoid eye contact with her because then she’ll start making faces at me. So, even if there was something strange going on with her, I wouldn’t have noticed.”

I sighed. “Well, I’m her boyfriend and I certainly have noticed.”

“Why don’t you ask Elizabeth or Jena or Willow? They’d all probably notice something. Females are better at taking signals than guys.”

I shook my head no. “I’ve asked all of them, but they each said the same as the last, ‘Jen seems fine, there’s nothing going on with her. Don’t worry about it’.”

“All of them? The exact same?” Liam asked and I thought he was starting to become suspicious.

I nodded. “Those exact same words.”

Liam shrugged and continued eating. “You know what, it’s probably just a coincidence, and women are like that.”

“Like what?” I asked. “Never mind, it’s most likely something offensive, don’t tell me.”

Liam smiled and shrugged. “...Have you found the ring yet?” he asked in a quieter voice.

I shook my head and looked around, but the only people around us were the camera crew and a few of the extras. “I’ve looked EVERYWHERE,” I said. “I’m really getting worried. That ring was perfect and super expensive. I can’t buy another one! Well, actually I can, but I looked at the jewellery store and there weren’t any that looked right enough.”

Liam sighed. “Sorry, man...maybe you don’t have to get her a ring.”

“What do you mean?” I frowned.

“You could get her a watch or, like, a necklace or a locket or something,” replied Liam. “Jen loves alternative and unusual things...I think. You know what, you’d know better than me.”

“I have to go,” I said quickly.

I walked away as I was considering Liam’s suggestion.

Hi guys and gals, I hope you liked this chapter,

The next one is the finale! :(

There’s a surprise coming up!

Love Always,

Millie xo

You've Got Something I Need-Jennifer Lawrence and Josh HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now