Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


“You have to figure out a plan first!” Andre exclaimed.

“Okay, well, I’m trying my best I hope you know, I’m thinking as hard as I can,” I said.

It had been almost a year and a half since Jen and I had started dating and we were almost finished filming the second Mockingjay movie and sadly, the last past of The Hunger Games trilogy.

It was silent as I paced around, my mind going a million miles a minute. I gasped just as an idea came to me.

“What is it?” Andre stood up quickly.

“I can propose to her on the last day of filming! It’ll be so romantic, and a great way to get everyone back together at the wedding!” I almost shouted in excitement.

Andre just smiled, walked up to me and hugged me. “That’s probably the best idea you’ve ever had.”

I chose not to take that in offence.

“Propose to me again so that I can make sure it’s perfect,” Andre said and I reached into my pocket for the ring.

“Oh no,” I said. I checked my other pockets, but felt no ring. “It’s not there!” I shrieked. I was terrified.

“Are you serious?” asked Andre.

I rolled my eyes. “Would I joke about this?” I started looking frantically around the room.

Andre’s eyes switched from amused to worried. “Where could it be?”

I shrugged. “I have no idea! I could’ve sworn I put it right there on that coffee table when I proposed to you yesterday and now it’s nowhere to be found!”

I quickly opened every cabinet in the kitchen at a time, looking through all of them as Andre ran upstairs and checked the rooms up there, including my bedroom where it would most likely be.

I could tell by the look on Andre’s face when he came down twenty minutes later that he’d had no luck. “Sorry, man,” he said and patted me on the back.

I sighed. “Are you sure you looked everywhere?”

He nodded. “I’m positive, I even went through the entirety of your wardrobe and took your sheets off to see if it was under there, but there was nothing.”

“Where could it be? I haven’t been out since Thursday and today’s Saturday, it makes no sense!” I was so frustrated at myself for letting it out of my sight. “I’ve looked everywhere downstairs, you’ve looked everywhere upstairs, where else is possible if it hasn’t left this house?”

“What about if it’s on the stairs!?” Andre suddenly exclaimed and started crawling up the stairs like a dog, feeling around and looking carefully on every single step. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he could be so stupid. “It’s not on the stairs, sorry,” Andre said when he came back after a couple of minutes. “I double-checked, but there was no sign of it. Why don’t you retrace your steps?”

“Okay, well you came over in the morning yesterday, I proposed you, then you left, and Jen came over for dinner and stayed until around eleven p.m., then she left and now you’re here and it’s nowhere to be found.”

I sighed. I had no idea where it could be or how we were going to find it.


“Oh my god!” Jena and Elizabeth exclaimed in excitement.

“I know!” I replied.

“I can’t believe he’s actually going to propose to you, I mean, you’re going to marry him!” Elizabeth squealed.

“That’s insane! OMG, how good does Jennifer Hutcherson sound?” asked Jena, grinning.

I gasped. “I love it!”

Liz and Jena jumped around for another minute or so before they realised I wasn’t as excited as they were.

“What’s wrong?” Jena said.

Elizabeth frowned. “You do want to marry him, don’t you?”

I nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, of course. I definitely do, it’s just that...I kind of did something bad.”

“Uh-Oh,” Jena muttered. “What was it?”

“Ok, so I was over at his place yesterday and, while he was in the shower, I was watching TV and I reached over to find the remote and the box was there on the coffee table under the TV guide booklet and I opened the box an-”

“And that’s it right? I’m starting to get really worried,” Liz said with a concerned look on her face. “What could you have possibly done wrong in a situation like this?”

“I took the ring,” I pulled out the little box from my pocket and they gasped.

“JENNIFER, how could you!?” Jena almost screamed.

“Why did you anyway?” Liz looked infuriated.

“I wasn’t thinking! I thought maybe if I took the ring away, then Josh would forget about it and I wouldn’t have to worry about planning out the whole wedding, I’m just too busy to get engaged right now!” I replied, hurriedly.

“But you want to get engaged, don’t you? Are you sure of that?” Jena asked.

I nodded. “Definitely, I’m so positive of that, I think I’ll die if I don’t marry him, but I’m already so busy’s just bad timing.”

“Well, for you maybe, I mean, you have two more movies coming up after Mockingjay and then some, but for him?...After Mockingjay, he might not be doing anything for a while,” Liz said.

Jena gasped suddenly. “I have an amazing idea that you might not like, but if you let me explain it to you, I can get you to consider it...maybe.”

I sighed and put the ring box down on the table we were sitting at. “Go ahead.”

“Elizabeth and I will do the planning for you, with the help of Josh,” she suggested.

I burst into laughter and Liz had a strange look on her face. “Are you crazy?” I asked once I’d settled down. “I don’t think other people planning my own wedding is a very good idea, Jena.”

“Other people?” Jena looked kind of insulted. “We’re not just ‘other people’, we’re two of your best friends, who you can trust, who will make good choices for you, who aren’t going to be as busy as you and will have time to plan it!”

Elizabeth was nodding along with her. “It makes more sense than waiting another few years until you’ve settled down. Plus, all of our plans will be going through Josh and if we have any trouble, we’ll put it aside, until you can give us the okay.”

I thought about this for a minute and took out the ring and played with it.

“Wow, that ring is beautiful,” Liz said, smiling. She put her hand over mine and said, “I know wedding planning can be stressful, and I’ve done it before so I’ll have some experience, plus Jena is super smart with designing and things.”

I nodded. “I do really want to marry him...I still can’t believe the ring!”

“It’s huge,” Jena grinned. “I’d better get going, but just think about it, Jen. Remember that you trust Josh and he wouldn’t do anything to screw up the wedding, I can promise you.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

“I should actually head off, as well, but just think about it, Jen,” Elizabeth said, standing up and grabbing her hand bag. “And remember to return that ring or there won’t be a wedding to plan.”

I chuckled. “I will, see you soon.”

And they both walked out, leaving me staring at the ring, thinking about their suggestion.                   

Hi everybody, I hope you liked this chapter! I’m 99% sure the next one will be the finale, but we’ll see. :)

Love Always,

Millie xo

You've Got Something I Need-Jennifer Lawrence and Josh HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now