Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


“Ready, set, go!” Sam yelled. (He’d hurt his knee while filming Catching Fire, and wasn’t able to swim.)

Elizabeth from the other team and Kyle from our team took off swimming.

I was up one end with Kyle, and Jen and Jena were down the other end.

“Swim, swim, go, go, go!”

There was a mix of chanting and cheering as the teams raced. Elizabeth reached Lenny and passed him the ball with her mouth, then took off her blindfold and shoved it over his eyes in an excited hurry.

Kyle quickly put the ball in Jena’s mouth, the blindfold over her eyes and just as she was reaching me, Lenny had already passed on to Woody and before I knew it, they were beating us.

“C’mon, Jena, go!” I shouted. “You’re so close!”

She finally, reached me, following the sound of my voice as Woody reached the other end and gave the ball and blindfold to Liam.

I swam off as fast as I could but when I was about a metre away from Jen-or at least I thought I was, relying on the dynamics of her voice-I heard lots of cheering and screaming and I guessed they’d won.

I didn’t give up, though. I quickly kept swimming, determined to finish off the lap that I started.

I eventually made it to Jen and felt her take the ball out of my mouth, put her hands on either side of my face and pull me in, kissing my lips hard.

I reached up with my left hand-my right arm was wrapped around her back and pulling her into me-and pulled the blindfold off.

I heard the people around us ‘aww’ and when I opened my eyes for a split second; I could’ve sworn I saw Woody rolling his eyes.

“Nice try, baby,” Jen whispered when we pulled apart.

“I want a rematch!” Jena called.


At the end of the day, at about four o’clock as the sun was just starting to going down, the only people left were Jen and I, Liam, Kyle, Elizabeth and Sam.

Jennifer and I were hanging out in the pool, watching the sun set as the other four were finishing off the last carton of beers and sitting around talking. Jen had her legs wrapped around my torso, with her feet crossed over one another on the back of my waist. My arms were wrapped around her waist, my hands resting on her hips.

Jen put her hands on the back of my neck and pulled my head towards hers, connecting our lips sweetly.

When we pulled away, I said, “I really love you.”

Jen leaned in and kissed me once. “I.” Then she kissed me again. “Love.” For a third time. “You.” Fourth. “More.” Fifth.

I smiled and pulled her in, hugging her and swaying her back and forth in the water.

It was silent for a moment as we listened to Elizabeth telling the others about her trip to Bali.

“Do you wanna get married?” asked Jennifer.

I pulled away from the hug and slid my hands off her. Jen stepped away from me in the water and stared at me.

“Do you?” she queried again.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked. I suddenly had a weird feeling in my stomach like she was proposing to me, which she clearly wasn’t.

“I mean, I know I want to get married someday, I’m certain of that,” Jen replied. “And I know I haven’t even really come close to getting marital, but I thought...”

“Maybe if I wanted to then...?”

She nodded.

“Oh,” I was surprised at how upfront she was about all of this. “Well, I do want to get married even-tually, just not, you know, right this second.”

That cracked Jen up. She didn’t stop laughing for a few minutes and Liz and Liam kept asking what was going on.

“Nothing!” I called back. “Just a funny joke.”

When my girlfriend finally settled down she said, “Well, of course not right this second, Josh. I’m not proposing to you or anything! It’s not liking I’m asking you to elope!”

I chuckled. “Sorry,” I responded. “But anyway, I do want to get married someday...” I took one of her hands and kissed each of her beautiful knuckles. “Maybe to you, even.”

Jen smiled and nodded. I thought I saw tears in her eyes as I was saying it. She pulled me in, kissing me tenderly and then hugged me like she never wanted to let go.


That night, Jen slept over at my place. After we’d left Liam’s and thanked him numerous times for an awesome day, Jen had told me she didn’t want to say goodbye to me just yet and chose to stay the night.

Andre was right near a pizza store when I called him, so we asked him to bring us some and while we were waiting, Jen had a shower. As she walked out, covered in a towel, a cloud of steam followed her out, making her look even more radiant and I swore she could’ve been a better-looking model than Miranda Kerr.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I got up and walked over to her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist and kissed her softly. She moaned as I slid my tongue into her mouth and held her tighter. I placed careful kisses down her neck, to her collarbone and trailed them back up to her lips. This time, Jen was the first to connect our lips and intertwine her tongue with mine.

“Okay, okay, jeez! Can you stop playing tonsil tennis so I can leave peacefully?” I heard Andre say. I instantly pulled away from Jen, almost throwing her off me in embarrassment.

Jen re-adjusted her towel, seeing as during all the kissing it had managed to start to slip down.

“Oh my gosh, Andre!” Jen rushed to bathroom, shutting the door after her and squealing in a ‘Charlotte York’ kind of mortification.

“Dude, seriously, you should’ve knocked!” I exclaimed.

Andre shrugged. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you guys would be in the middle of a make-out session,” he said as he put our food down on the counter. “Tell Jen, I’m sorry, okay?”

“It’s fine, just knock next time, please,” I replied, walking over to him.

“I’ll go now and you guys can get back to it,” he winked at me and I shoved him.

Once Andre had left, I knocked on the bathroom door and told Jen she could come out.

“Is he gone?”

“Yes, sweetheart, he just left,” I called back.

Jen came out, pouting at me. I kissed her pouted lips and that made her smile.

“That was so embarrassing!” she said, giggling to herself.

I pulled her in and hugged her comfortingly. “Don’t worry, he’s sorry and he’ll knock next time, I promise.” I kissed her forehead and then reached down, placing my hands over the part of the towel where it was folded over, keeping it from falling off her. “Now...let’s get that towel off of you and go to the bedroom.”

I hope you liked this one, and there is a possibility that the next one could be the finale, but I hope you’ve liked the series so far.

I’m open to any suggestions for the final chapter, please tell me, I’d love to hear them :)

Love Always,

Millie xo

You've Got Something I Need-Jennifer Lawrence and Josh HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now