Just pay for it...

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You slowly walked up to him, not wanting to get any closer, but what else should you do? You were trapped, between him and the giant wall of bones. Stopping right in front of his sentry station, you starred down at him. He was grinning at you with amusement.

"What kind of game do you want to play?" You asked, trying to hide your fear.

"Do you know the game where you stab a knife between your fingers?" He replied with a smirk, as he placed his hand on the counter and used his index finger like a knife which stabbed between the gasps between his other fingers.

You shook your hand. You never heard of a game like this. Why would anyone play a game like this? You could use on of your fingers like this, even your whole hand if something goes really wrong.

"I never heard of it and I don't like the idea of it, can't we play another game?" You mumbled and crossed your arms, looking away.

"What do you want to play? Tag? Hide and Seek?" Sans asked while tipping on the old wood of his sentry station.

"Sure, let's play hide and seek." You replied with a smile.

"Fine." He replied with a hint of amusement.

In this moment you realized that your choice was a great mistake.

"Let's make it more interesting. How about a game of life and death? If you're able to hide from me for exactly three hours, I'll let you live. If not, you better run for your life." He suggested with a smirk and stood up.

"That's not how the game is supposed to be." You mumbled and starred down at him.

He sighed and placed a hand in front of his face.

"Good. Let's choose. We either play the knife game or hide and seek. But I think that your chances are a lot bet in hide and seek." Sans said and held his hand out to me.

You thought about it for a while and decided to play hide and seek with him, hopping that you'll be able to survive these three hours.

You took his hand and starred at him.

"Good, I'll start counting in a minute. You're able to hide within five minutes, before I start going after you. Now run!" He yelled and took his axe.

You let go of his hand and dashed off. He didn't say where you're allowed to hide. But you didn't think that it would be a good idea to run off to Waterfalls.

You made your way through the snow, trying to find a good way to hide. You stopped running after three minutes and turned around, nearly screamed in frustration as you realized that Sans had an easy game to find a you. You're in Snowdin, so there is snow everywhere. He would just follow your steps and find you. You snapped around and ran towards a tree, climbing up. You're climbing skills weren't this great, but you're able to reach at least the branches.

You were now sitting on a branch and made your way to the branches of the next tree, hoping that you'll be able to get away before Sans spots the way you started to realize that running won't be of any use.

It's been ten minutes since Sans started counting. He was probably following your steps right now, but surely didn't take any afford for it. He probably knew that he would win this game, as soon as he starts searching for you.

"I still have over two hours I need to survive." You whispered to yourself and sighed.

You knew that you weren't able to win this game. Still, you were hanging too much on your life. You didn't want to give up so easily.

The sound of footsteps made your head snap up and you starred down from the tree you're sitting on. You spotted Sans walking bellow past the tree. You stopped breathing, as soon as you noticed him. You tried your best to breath as less as possible, not wanting to make any sound, which could alarm him at this moment.

I want to go home.... (Undertale AUs x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now