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Reborn is now busy cooking while humming some tune. It's been a while he didn't get some peace like this and he's so enjoying his time by now... 

Well that's until that peaceful silence is broken by the sounds of knocks.

Reborn groaned in annoy, did he get caught already? Or maybe did he got spotted by one of his fangirl on the way here?

Whatever it is Reborn decided to ignore the knocks. But by the time passed it becomes more annoying. 'if this keeps continuing, Tsuna might get awake!' he then found it funny on how he suddenly thought about that when he usually hates kids. Something about the brunette has attracts him.

Reborn peeked from the seek hole to see who is it. He sighed at the saw of pink and purple. He sighed annoyedly before he opened the door just a bit.

"Reborn~!" The pink haired girl swooned over him as she tried brusted in not minding the door. Of course Reborn wouldn't let her in at least not before he checked on something,

"you're all alone?" Reborn asked.

"Yes, none of those annoying pers or fangirls following me" The girl said as she waited impatiently for the door to be opened.

Reborn let another sigh silently this time. "fine, you may come in. but don't be noisy or else I'll kick you out" The girl who already used to his threaten mostly because he wouldn't do it. of course... Reborn is a gentleman afterall. he won't pick a fight with a girl

Bianchi was going to hug him but Reborn already walk away. Before she could ask Reborn has answered her, "I'm going to cook. So, be a good girl and sit on the couch, I'll meet you there after I finished"

Bianchi smiled widely, "Hai darling~" She then skipped her way to the living room.

It was neat and tidy. No one would know that this place has witnessed a cruel murder case, where both of his parents died.

Bianchi just sat on the couch, her eyes wandering at every corner of the room, 'this house is sooooo out of fashion. Reborn, my love, why would you hide in this... this dumpster?' she thought with slight frown.

Five minutes later Reborn came with two bowl of food. "Here, eat this. It'll warm you up" Reborn said.

Bianchi smiled seductively, "aw darling, why don't we eat together. I'll feed you..."

Reborn retorted before Bianchi could hug him or such. "Sorry, I still have things to do. We'll talk after you finish that, don't worry I won't be long" Reborn said flatly so Bianchi won't wandering around the house.

Bianchi frowned as she pouted in annoy, "fine" She huffed.

"Thank's for your understanding, B-chan..." Reborn said as he caressed her cheek in seductive manner, making her blushed.

"S-Sure do darling" Bianchi manage to say.

Reborn gave a nod before he leave the room. He rolled his eyes because of his act before. Yes, he was acting. Reborn never fall in love with her. He accepted her as his girlfriend because of 2 reason. Firstly, her father is his 'boss' and secondly he don't want her to attempt a suicide like what her mother did, her father even asking for him to be her girlfriend personally, because he doesn't want to lose his daughter too.

But since Reborn was never loved her in the first place he always grunted, and he'll try to avoid her... if it's even possible.

But hell, even after he hides in his old house she could still find him. She's more annoying than those fangirls and pers...

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