Thanks to her

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Right after he settled the things with Granny Helen, Reborn skipped his steps into Bianchi's apartment worried with Tsuna and slightly towards his ex. But what greeted him was the sight of Tsuna who's in the middle of tossing away some bottles that from the smells he knew that it was containing alcohols of sorts, while the said pink haired girl couldn't be seen anywhere...

Well, at least, he's glad that Tsuna seemed fine...

But before he could even speak, Tsuna shushed him. "Bianchi-san is sleeping..." She warned in a whisper while pointing at the couch where Bianchi lied and was indeed sleeping.

"She's been crying so long, and with all of these Alcohols running on her veins, it's better we don't wake her up..." Tsuna whispered again, this time with a fond smile plastering her face.

Reborn nodded absentmindedly as The first question that crossed his mind next was where did she get this much of different Alcohols? Because for sure she was 15... well, 16  this year.

-Still an underage...

Later then he realized that it must be that prick, Daniel or his friends.

Sighing a little, he felt relief washed over him. Because she looked much more relaxed that she had ever been, and despite from the fresh trail of tears, she's smiling in her sleep. And she just somehow know that Tsuna must have something to do with it.

Another gladness that his friend is safe...

"Well now... Shall I help you with that, Ojou-chan?" at the pet name, Tsuna giggled before then they began to clean the whole room. Hand-to-hand, while sharing whispers now and then...

-It took a full 6 hours for them to fix the whole apartment with exception of Bianchi's bedroom. But they're sure that she could handle it herself. Besides, it would be rude of them to barge into her personal space.

"Ah, finally, we're done~" Reborn sighed as he took a sit on the other side of the sofa where Tsuna sat next to and even lean to him, both tired of their previous activity.

"ne, Reborn-nii, shouldn't we called for minna-san? I mean it's been hours since we left. I'm sure they're worried." Tsuna reminded him while at the same time cuddling even closer. The temptation of taking a nap is overwhelming.

Reborn on the other hand just chuckled lightly when he caught her yawning cutely with eyes dropping slowly, "It's alright. I've texted them earlier, and they said that they'll warp up the party so we can get back to rest. But do you want to?" he asked while Tsuna shooked her head a little.

"I want to be here when Bianchi-san awake. But you can go back first..." she said and Reborn raised a brow of amusement.

"and leaving you here to handle someone with a hangover later on? Nope, not happening. I guess we're staying over." -he caught a faint hum before then it turned into soft snores.

This time Reborn just smiled as he brushed his fingers against Tsuna's soft locks...

"Sleep well, my little Tuna. I wish you a very nice dream..." Then after planting a light kiss on the brunette's nose, he relaxed his back as he drifted into the depth of dreamland himself...


~The Next Day~

to his annoyance, Reborn's nose twitched as he stirred upon smelling something burnt...

-wait, burnt?


I jolted awake at the sudden scream as I frantically looking for her... "Tsuna?!" -And with a soft tug on my sleeve, I exhaled in relief. Tsuna's here.

But, if she's here, 'then, who's screaming...?'

Exchanging a quick glance towards each other, Both Reborn and Tsuna bolted their way to the source of the scream.

"Bianchi-san! are you alright?" Tsuna asked in panic. Meanwhile, the said bubble gum girl blinked at the two.

"Ah... eum... yeah, I'm fine..." She said in sheepish manner. But Reborn could already tell what's happening from the disaster look of the kitchen. He sighed.

"Were you trying to cook, Bianchi?" he tried not to laugh as the girl blushed, then downcasting in the next second.

"Well, eum... yeah. I mean, you guys had helped me a lot yesterday. Therefore I was thinking about cooking breakfast to show my gratitude... and apology. But yeah, I suck terribly." -And Reborn couldn't help but rolled his eyes in amusement. And in return, he received a jab on his side from the glaring Tsuna, although to be honest, it's not working on him. she looked even cuter in his opinion. But of course, he won't say that out loud, fearing the little brunet will boycott him from his beloved espresso, and yes she had done it once.

-Snapping off her glare, Tsuna went to Bianchi's side, offering the pinky head her brightest grin, "No worries, Bianchi-san! We'll help you clean up. And maybe we can cook together afterward?"

"-Or... we can just take out, and then we do the cleaning. I'm starving!" Reborn said, stretching his muscle in more relaxed manner.

"Well, which you prefer, Bianchi-san?" Tsuna asked her to choose but in reality, Bianchi just too shocked with Reborn's casualty... Because seriously, she never had seen him like this. He always so tensed and fake. But now, all that she saw is sincerity. And she could tell that the reason was this kid... Tsuna...

However, unlike before, she's not jealous of her, because now she could see why everyone easily get along with her. Tsuna... despite how small she is, she has the biggest heart Bianchi ever saw in any living person. And she just simply happy to be given second chance to actually getting know her.

a smile crept across her lips as he turned to Reborn, "Sorry, Reborn, but I want to take Tsuna's offer. I want to learn how to cook"

-There's this new spark in her eyes, and Reborn was glad to see it. 'Heh, you just save another life, Tsuna...' he thought, snickering as he replied her with, "Fine... But before anything else, I want my espresso. Ya' hear that Tsuna?"

being suddenly brought up, Tsuna blinked before then beamed, "Of course, Reborn-nii~!" Then she turned to face Bianchi, "Well then, shall we?"

and then with a happy smile, Bianchi nodded and the two started their cooking task...

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