New Challengers?

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It's just like any other boring days on the calendar, which means another work he must do. Which is exactly why the duo, Reborn and Tsuna herself is heading to the Arcobaleno's studio that 5.45 in the morning.

"So, remind me again, why are we heading out this early?" he yawned lightly to which Tsuna giggled over.

In which Bianchi's papa and Reborn's boss, Kawahira, earlier called for them over a meeting with a rising idol group from Japan...

Reborn has been seriously considering the option of getting back to his apartment and just skip the whole thing. And yet, Tsuna found out about it and just somehow getting very excited at the thought of meeting Reborn's friends.

"Reborn-nii needs more friends, so you won't be grumpy all the time" was her exact words.

Again... he has no heart to went against her request despite how annoying it was.

Not with that puppy eyes... and certainly not with that pouty face that she displayed when he's so ready to rejected the idea.

Nevertheless, the three then headed to the meeting room -with Bianchi already releasing her grip upon Tsuna's, much to her dismay.

"So, uh... was the whole meeting stuff was a lie?" Bianchi asked albeit later, where Tsuna silently thanked for everyone who agreed with her little request of the second chance for the pinknette.

Anyhow, at the question, Luce shook her head, "Ie... though Kawahira-san said that they'll arrive somewhere at 6..." and the albino man nodded in confirmation whilst his mouth busy getting stuffed by Quiella's ramen.

Reborn huffed. "Fine" is all he said before ordering breakfast for himself and Tsuna since both hadn't had one this morning.

"Order up~!" Quiella grinned as she made some pancakes, hot chocolate and espresso for the two.

"So, when will you finally tell me about this so called dark horse" He asked the albino who just swallowed his food.

"Well, only one of them are full Japanese despite all, some of them are mix, although I did know that some of them are Italian or at least half of it, which is why they are quite popular here themselves." replied Kawahira.

"And why would they come all the way here just to model? aren't there like, so many modeling agency too?" 

To which Kawahira smirked, "Because I'm awesome~? I manage to win them over~"

"But of course" Reborn groaned a bit, regretting to ever ask. With the albino's flamboyant personalities and recklessness, honestly he should start on wondering just how they themselves has reached this point.

Granted, talking to his boss is not an option. so Internet it is...

He hummed, 'Right, so Vongola...'

[Vongola a.k.a. Vongola boys, or the one that's also known as VB, is one of the idol group from Japan who debuted on 29th March xxxx with their single Yakusoku no Basho e. This idol group is under the agency group Tri-ni-sette Entertaiment...]

"These guys came from our company? Since when??" He blurted out.

"Uhh... Last year?" Kawahira said.

"And the fact that we were not well informed about this???"

"Hey look, we are modelling branch, they are idols, and on top of that, they rise and shine more in Japan. Someone else are in charge of them." Kawahira explained to which Reborn couldn't help anymore but face palm.

"Please. Can someone tell me how we all manage not to crash down with this guy as our manager AND boss???"

"It didn't make any sense, I completely agree" Verde commented nonchalantly.

"Questionable indeed" even Viper said so.

"Hey!" Exclaimed the man himself.

Whereas Fon chuckled, "well despite how our boss is, well... like this--"

"Not you too..."

"--He's actually a hardworking man" he said, smiling.

"And that is something I can confirm" Bianchi nods, "sometimes I think he has too much in mind and thus, resulting his 24/7 madness"

And to prove her point the said male deadass comically crying on the floor, making them all sweatdrops.

"He has some help on the management of course" the pink haired girl giggled as she pats her father's shoulder followed by Tsuna who poked the man's neck gleely.

"You ok, mister~?" She teased.

"No" he pouts to which the girl giggled over before then handing him some candy that she saved up in her pockets.

"Here, some sweets, cheer up!" She grinned.

"Bless you, little girl~!" He cried crocodile as he was about to hugs her just to fell face planted to the floor when Tsuna swiftly evades.

"Mister, I gave free sweets, not huggies" she stated to which everyone just burst out laughing.

"Good one Chibi!" Colonello laughed the hardest.

Tsuna, suddenly feeling shy upon the sudden attention immediately went to Reborn and hid under his arm making the raven chuckled.


[...Vongola boys have seven members, they are Giotto a.k.a. Sawada Ieyasu (leader, Face), G a.k.a. Gabriel (main vocal), Asari a.k.a Ugetsu Asari (Vocal, dancer), Knuckle (Main rapper), Lampo a.k.a Bovino Lampo (Main dancer), Alaude (Vocal, Visual), Daemon a.k.a. Spade Daemon (rapper, dancer). Read more to find out about our bois!....]

Which unlike what you might've guessed, he did read more. Afterall, he's going to work with these people for sometimes. And though he has little to no problem to work spontaneously like how he had excellently performed within Byakuran's presence, he is NOT a fan of it.

Breaking it down to the core, he's someone who'll read for hours about a disease and all the minor details to perfect his act, someone who'll find out about his audiences and what they want before models, perfection about details even on the last minute calls. Almost robotic, but that's how he has been for years. That is how he become so good in his jobs despite has no experiences on such specific schools.

"So... we're going to models with them? That's all?" He asked since it's so unlikely of their boss to keep it simple, there's always a catch.

"Well, Actually..." Kawahira trailed as the models perked their ear upon that tone of disaster.

"I kind of agree that you guys would sing?"

He said and there was silence. One that makes Quiella immediately closed Tsuna's ears knowing what's coming...


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