because I care

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"huh?!?" Luce squeaked in surprise. "W-What are you- do you even understand on what you were saying?" 

"Why of course I do, Luce-nee. Why else I ask you then?" Tsuna stared at her innocently, "I might just a kid but from what I've experienced I can tell that that's the only way to help Reborn-nii"

Luce frowned, "and what do you mean by that?"

"have you ever heard about his past, Luce-nee?" Tsuna asked instead. Luce shooked her head as answer.

Tsuna stared distantly at he ceiling as she said, "he told me about it once. and it's... kind of dark..." she then stared at Luce with a faint sad smile. "It caused him to lock himself from the others aside from me and maybe to Bianchi-san too."

Tsuna chuckled nervously as she said, "well, I'm not really sure about her because I'd only met her once. But since she's her girlfriend I believe that he told her too!" she said with much enthusiasm. (me : oh how wrong you are, Tsu-chan!)

Luce is taken back by her positiveness. She almost tell the brunette on how wrong she judge the said pinky. 

Suddenly the air turned gloomy and Luce only need some seconds to realize that the cause is Tsuna, "what's wrong Tsu-chan?" she asked.

Tsuna shot a sad but fond smile at her, "you know Luce-nee? I liked Reborn-nii. he's the kindest person that I ever met after my mother. I don't want to see him hurt. he don't deserve it..." she said.

Luce was going to ask on what is this all about but Tsuna has cut her question.

"-I heard from Shamal-san that Bianchi-san is cheating behind his back. and that they'll eventually break up. From what I've heard they've been together for three years now. So it must be hard for Reborn-nii to let her go..." Tsuna said. "please Luce-nee... if there's anyone who can help him then it must be you..." She smiled a blinding smile at the Bluenette

"why me?" Luce asked nervously.

"because you're the only person that he didn't glare at and that only means he at least like you as his friends. and I can see that you're actually have a thing for him, am I correct?"

Luce blushed at the statement. She was going to argue but seing Tsuna's innocent smile she can only sighed, "Gosh... I can't believe that I'm talking with a 7 years kid... looks like some people didn't show from their appereance, huh?" Tsuna chuckled to hear that.

"it seems so..." she said. "so, wold you help with my request?"

Luce blushed as she downcast, "I-I'll think about that..." She replied.

"I hope you would accept my big brother, Luce-nee. cause I would love to have you as my sister too" Tsuna eye-smiled at her and now Luce blushed from a different matter.

Tsuna should have stopped her charm but it was too late, "KYAAA TSU-CHAN!!! YOU'RE SO KAWAII!!!!" Luce squealed as she gave her a deadly hug.

"I... can't... breath!... Help!" Tsuna squeaked. 

and just in time, Reborn came to the rescue!

"I sugest you to released her Luce..." Reborn said.

upon the warning, Luce released her immedietly, "ah! so sorry Tsu-chan!" She appologized.

Tsuna smiled weakly as she tried to catch her breath, "i-it's... *pant* okay Luce-nee... *pant*" She said while Reborn rubbed circle on Tsuna's back.

"so, have you two done with your little discuss?" Reborn asked after a while.

Luce blushed hard as she remembered Tsuna's request. Reborn raised a brow at the sight, 'why is she blushing?' he asked himself. he then turned to Tsuna who just smiling innocently as she answered, "Hai! Reborn-nii we have!"

Reborn can only chuckled, hearing her enthusiasm answer, "well then, as I promised you... Here! your favourite strobery shortcake!" he said, taking out the item from the plastic bag that he brought.

"Hwaa~!! Reborn-nii you're the best! Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!" Tsuna said with her sparkling eyes.

Reborn chuckled again, "you're welcome, Tsuna..." he said while ruffling Tsuna's fluffy locks.

Tsuna hurriedly scoop the cake into her mouth,  "Omai~!" she then squealed.

both Reborn and Luce chuckled at that. Reborn then remembered something, "oh, I also bought you something..." he then took out another cake. "I believe this is your favourite?"

Luce can't form a word as she gaped at the cake. "monburan! I thought they don't sell it in Italy?" She asked, still gaping.

"well, I found it next to Tsuna's cake so I thought why not buy it for you. let's say that it's my thanks for accompanying Tsuna" Reborn said. without him realizing Luce had him in a tight hug.

"oh Thank you Reborn! Thank you very much!" She thanked.

"I-I see... Jaa, ehem... can you get off me now?" Reborn said with a flustered face.

Luce who just realized for her doing hurriedly pulled back. Her face is dark scarled from embarrassemet, "I-I'm sorry! I-I don't meant to! I was... uh... I-" She tried to reasoned.

then there's a silence, and it was awkward...

Luckly Tsuna saved them by laughing hard, "ahahaha! Reborn-nii! Luce-nee! are  you trying to coppy a tomato?" she said between her chuckle.

"w-we're not!" They said in sync making their face even redder.

"see? see?" Tsuna laughed.

Luce is staring at her feet to hide her face while Reborn, he's already back to his sence. 

and now he's smirking. "uh-huh... looks like someone has a gut to laugh at me... well then, it's time for punishment~"

Hearing that Tsuna stopped laughing while having a horror face, "oh no... no no no! HYAAA!!!"

Then screams and laughters can be heard from her as Reborn tickle her hardly. Luce can't help to chuckle at the view.

"Ahahaha! stop it! ahaha! Reborn-nii! kyahaha! I can't breath! ahahaha! Please!!" Tsuna pleaded between her laughters.

Reborn eventualy stopped. besides, it will be bad if Tsuna catch another asthma attack because of him. "alright... but you owe me a cup of espresso once you're charged out, okay?"

Tsuna smiled, "okay!" She cripped.

then after that the three of them chatted with each other unknowingly being watched by Shamal who's smiling fondly at them, 'they look like a happy family...' he thought. 

and indeed they looked like one...

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