her worries

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Tsuna POV

I'm in deep shock and thus makes me accidently drop the drinks I just bought, unintionally gaining Reborn-nii and Luce-nee's attentions. their face are red and I believe that so do I. well, I just witnessing them kissing, so I think that my reaction is just common. What I don't get was on why am I running away...

"Tsuna!/Tsu-chan!" I heard their calls but my feet just won't stop. they even ran faster through this crowds.

while running I felt something prickling my eyes just then I feel wet tracing my cheeks.

wait... why am I crying?

then I grip my chest... why I felt uneasy?

and then I stopped, thinking on... why did I run?

I looked around to found my self getting lost. I saw no one familiar...


strangers everywhere... oddly I didn't cry this time. 

it makes me think back on why was I crying back then when I certainly not when other child in my age probably have. even so I would be lying if I say that I'm not scared.

'cause I'm scared...

scared to be left alone... 

people stumbled upon me with no care. Well, some of them asked me if I'm alright, I hurriedly wipe my tears as I flashed smile saying that I'm fine and that my nii-san is over there, although I just randomly pointed the dirrection.

this repeated for view times enough for me to realize on how stupid I am leaving Reborn-nii and Luce-nee like that just because I saw them... doing that...

I should have congrats them. Wasn't this what I wanted?

or I should have act like a clueless kid, like what I always did...

But I don't think I can't...

and it's all because this uncomfortable swirling feeling in my chest... perhaps it was somekind of decease. in that case I might need Shamal-san to check on my health once more... and if it's indeed true then I have to appologize to Nii-san and nee-chan for running away without reason. I'm sure that they're worried...

my train of thoughts stopped as I feel someone grabbed my hands. I turned around hoping that it was Reborn-nii. but then my smile dropped aswell my hopes as I saw...


Normal POV

"I finally found you little girl~" Tsuna gasped. she recognize the man as one of his subordinate. "ah... boss would be very happy  to see his little devil back~!" he cripped in japanese.

Tsuna strugle to get off the man, but the grip stayed firm, "NO! please don't! I don't want to back! Please!!!" She cried only to get dragged much harder.

they're attracting attentions and now two guards are walking to them, "Excuse me, sir, but what are you doing?" one of the guards said in Italian, narrowing his eyes at the man who oddly have a calm face.

"ah, sorry for the commotion, officer. it's just that my dear Lucy and I were having a fight because I don't allow her to get to the doll castle." the kidnapper said cassually, he even grinning at the officer.

"oh? so she's your daughter?" the other one asked.

"NO! I'm not! please officer-san! he's a kidnapper!" Tsuna screamed but since she's in panic she said it in Japanese, language that the guards don't familiar with.

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