in coma...

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Reborn POV

I looked my surroundings as blinked. 'hm? since when I went back to my house?' I questioned as noted that the whole place is decorated beautifully as if there's a party going on...

"Well, that's because there really is party, Ren-kun..." I turned around to see Nana-san smiling at me. next to her there stood my Mom and Dad..

"Nana-san? Mom? Dad?" I called in disbelieve. I mean, how could they be here? they've died, right???

"Yes sweatheart?" Mom called back with hand reaching for me.

I walked nearing them, still gaping on the inside. "You guys... how did you get here? and why in suit and dresses? then again, what's with this whole white decorations and white roses???" I questioned in one go. and they chuckled.

Dad then patted my back as he smirked, "we won't miss your marriage for anything in the whole world son. of course we'll came..."

"Marriage? Who? me???"

"Of course you are, silly..." Nana-san giggled.

"Although, it's kind of odd for the bride to go first instead of the groom..." Mom hummed. "maa~ no matter. Come on, my boy. Mom will take you there. now hold my arm..." I just complied without second thought. 

Actually, I have too many things in mind to be concerned about that small thing. for example... How could they alive?!? I saw both my parents died with my own eyes! and Shamal said that Nana-san also died over her cancer... then who are they? Ghosts???

Not to mention, Marriage??? Me, Marrying who? I don''t recall to propose to anygirl just yet!!!

What in the world is going on-?!?

"Now, now, stop your frowns, big guy. or else your bride my think that your proposal was some kind of joke." Mom's saying got me snapped back to reality, "oh, and by the way... you look so handsome Ren-kun..." she giggled silently.

I still can't utter a word, and instead keeps on walking with my mom's leading as if I'm in Auto-mode.

I looked at the guests, they are all my friends, even my ex-girlfriend, Bianchi is here and watch me with a happy smile.

after a while I just realize that I still haven't know who'll be my bride.

I was going to asked mom but then I've reached the alter and she has to release me to walk on my own.

I glanced at my bride, she's wearing a long white bride dresses and holding a bouquet of white roses. 

I can't see her face because of that face cover. I can only see her lips. her pink and plump lips that curved into a perfect smile which caused me in that instant want to rave her into a deep kiss. 

I almost givin' in when, with her silky voice she said, "Thankgoodness you're here Renato... I'm getting all nervous waiting for you. I'm glad..." 

I was too focus with the beautiful view, I lost the track of what the priest's saying. I just snapped back when he coughed and repeat his question, "do you want her as your wife, Sinclair-san?" he asked.

"ah! yes, I do... I really do... sorry for zooning out" I said, nervously scratching the back of my nape.

I then hear the cutest giggle that I ever heard. and it came from my soon to be wife.

The priest finished his saying then he said, "now you may kiss your bride"

with that cue I lifted the cover, and let's just say I'm stunned at her beauty...

Never in my life I saw such a beautiful face... and not to mention, her aura is as lovely as her appereance.

I leaned forward, and she closed her eyes still smiling. our lips almost touched. 

but then...

that blinding light behind her is taking me back to reality...


I growled lowly as I slowly opened my heavy lids. 

the light's burning my iris and so I closed it once again for some blinks. 

"Ah Reborn! you're finally awake!" that familiar voice has successfully taking my curiousity. I glanced to my left. My blury vision is starting to get its focus and I can see something long in dark blue which turns out to be someone's hair.

"Luce?" I questioned for I only know one person with that hair colour.

"Yes, Reborn, it's me..." she said as my vision has regain perfectly.

"I... uh, where am I? is this hospital?" I asked. as I tried to recall on what happened to me to end up in his place. oh and also, I'm still curious about that dream just now... about me marrying this girl... could she be Luce?

my thoughts cutted with Luce's explanation. "for your answer. Yes, it is hospital. you were injured pretty badly on your head when Colonello and Fon found you."

"I am?" I questioned. I was going to ask, why? when I then remember he whole thing.

My eyes widened as I shot up, "Tsuna!" I then grunted at the pain on my head.

"Easy there, champion..." I eyed the newcomer. 

"Shamal..." I called. "where is Tsuna? she's fine?"

"she's fine... completely unscratched..." But then he frowned, "However, she's in coma..."

my eyes got widen, "why? how?" I can feel Luce is trying her best to hold me down. 

"calm down Reborn..." she pleaded.

"she's right, my boy. You need to calm down before I tell you..." I relucantly complied as I lied back with the help of the two.

"now listen..." he started, "she might be unscratched but she was having another asthma attack that caused her to faint. However, I think the primary reason on why she hasn't wake up until now, was because she was in deep shock and trauma of her thought of killing her own uncle. but to be truth, that poor excuse of human didn't die from the bullet that she shot. but rather, Colonello's.

The police has founded the bullet that she aimlessly shot on the wall and proved her innosence. but that is nothing to Tsuna for she couldn't have know that because she hasn't wake up since 3 days ago... thus, me and the doctors state her in coma"

I can only gulped but my throat still as dry. 'it was all my fault... if only I pay more attention that time... If only I were strong enough to hold him myself, she don't have to be involved and suffer like this...'

All that I can mutter is her name in full of guilt...

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