her wish...

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Normal POV

After hearing that bloodchilling scream, Reborn in his lighning speed dashed away to that one certain house, who seems to be bigger a bit than the other. Plus, that maroon car that he saw from the record parked near the said house too, confirming his sugestion.

but, as he goes near the house, he caught the movement from some thugs. They're getting near him.

"What are you Brat? You're not supposed too be here!" One of them barked as they blocked his way.

Reborn clicked his tongue in annoy as he glared at each of them as well leaking his deadly KI... However, they don't seem to waver even the slightest...

"HAHAHA! did you seriously think we'll backed of just from such a threat? you sure know nothing my boy! Living here means you've got to survive such of threats. Now, now... we'll not going to harm you if you just simply move your pretty legs out of this village... especially from our boss' property..." From the laughter, that man's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Reborn was shocked because for the first time in his life there are people that stubornly stayed still eve after they sensed his KI. but instead of being scared like what those thugs thought he was, Reborn was smirking instead. Glint of amusement can be seen in his dark eyes.

"Heh, and I thought that Collonello was the stupidest moron that ever exist..." He said in amusement under his breath. by now, some of them who has bits of working brain istead of just bundle of meat on their heads, backed off. Because Reborn's stare just now was flashing with something that promised things much worse than death itself.

But of course... even with much -little- effort that he did, three of those morons just stay put. 

Taking a step ahead, Reborn took his gun and reveal it to the open. and his action soon followed by those men. However, it was either Reborn's movement is way to fast or the time seems to be frozen itself, none of them could tell which. because just some moments before, they were fine, standing tall like a wall. yet, in the next second, they all already lying on the ground, with either being knocked out or just simply almost fatally injured.

"y-you're a monster!!!" one of them screamed in horror as he wanted to run away but hell Reborn won't let that happen. so he gave him a hot present to his left leg.

"It's rude to call other with such of nickname you know~especially when you call it wrong..." Reborn said as he stepped on that man's head. "I was never a mosnter... I am death... and once you set your foot against me... you're dead..."  

his little 'speech' had successfully knocked the (so-oh-not) poor man out cold. but Reborn just simply walked away. He had something that much important than dealing such of poor excuse of human excistance like them anyway. and it's none other than Tsuna- his little angel's savety...

'Hold on... Tsuna... your niisan is coming...' Reborn then kicked the front door wide open and barged in when he heard another scream of fear coming from that one certain room...


#Meanwhile with Tsuna

Our cute little brunette is currently cornered with pure fear on her eyes as she just did the bravest thing that she ever done for her life... She slapped and Kicked Ieyasu's face when he dare to touch her skin. 

her act's indeed gave her a momentary freedom. but it's also getting things worser than before.

"You son of a b***! you dare to injure my handsome face!!! I'll kill you!!!!" Ieyasu shouted in anger as he lunged over Tsuna, who manage to escape just barely.

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