his anger went double

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Tsuna POV

"Come here, Tsuna! Let's play with everyone!" I heard Reborn-nii's call. He's smiling and so does his friends. They all smiling at me... and I can't help myself but smile back as I ran my little feet to reach them to the beach.

"Matte Minna!" I said in giggles. once I'm close enough I jumped to Reborn-nii's embrace.

"Yosh! I caught that on my camera!" Collonello-nii gives me a thumbs up and I giggled once more.

"well then, minna! let's take a memorial photo!" Collonello-nii said as he sets his camera before he then ran to gather with us. "Minna! in 3! 2! 1! say cheese!"

"Cheese~!" I smiled the brightest. but it seems that I'm the only one who did the thing. I opened my eyes to see what's wrong, just to make them widened in pure horror at the sight of... him...

"u-uncle..." I shuttered in fear. "w-what are you doing here?" I asked the man in front of me. I tried to look for Reborn-nii, or Luce-nii, or even Bianchi-san! but none of them is here... I'm all alone... all alone with him....

He grinned creepily as I started to back away. "n-no! s-s-stay a-away from m-me!!!!" I shrieked in panic as I tried to ran.

but even after I run my best he can still catching up. "N-NO! G-GO AWAY!!!" but as I thought, I'm not fast enough, and now he caught me and lift me up. 

I screamed...

I shouted...

I cried...

but no one come to help...

"Now now, Tsu-chan~ why don't we play another game? I'm sure you'll love it~ don't worry, it'll only hurt you a lot.." Uncle said then laughed like maniac.

I'm helpless as he dragged me into a terrifying room where scarry shadows dancing creepily while slowly cornering me.

Uncle pushed me in as I shrieked. "enjoy the party~"  he said then lock me up.

I banged the door, desperately calling for help from anyone even my imaginary friend, Natsu. my throat is sore yet I still screaming. once my voice lost completely I turned around, just to find those shadows appeared right in front of me...

I screamed...


Normal POV

In the middle of the night, Tsuna jolted awake from her nightmare. tears flowing from her eyes. she feels weak and terrified, but she can't call for Reborn because her voice is lost. and so while stumbling and tripping a lot, she went to Reborn's room, which is next to hers. she never thought that Reborn is still up and greet her with a menancing glare.

Tsuna's both shocked and scared and so she shrieks before then ran away...

"Oi Tsuna, Wait!" Reborn scrambled outside to catch the little girl. He never had intent to scare her, but the news that Collonello just passed him makes him lose his temper. the news was about Bianchi screw the whole thing.

ever since the event at the park, the rumours spread and reach the pers... rumour of Reborn and Luce having an affair with Tsuna as their love result. Reborn of course mad at that. No, he's furious!

How dare her spread these lies? how dare them call Luce as a slut? and the most unforgiveble fact was HOW DARE THEY SAID TSUNA IS A MISTAKE?! 

Reborn snapped and probably had shouted over the phone to deny that if only Tsuna's room wasn't next to his.

who ever thought that Tsuna will caught him in such unfortunate time? Certainly not him...

Tsuna, surprisingly, or not, is a fast runner. and so just in slip of second, Reborn already lost her track. the worst thing is, he forgot to lock the front the door, and now she manage escape away... running within the night...

Reborn clicked his tongue, blaming his recklessness to let this happened. so, without bothering to snatch his jacket or anything he also went out with only one thin shirt and a short pants (not a boxer).

He looks for Tsuna everywhere and even shouted her name. he don't care a d*** at his neighbors complain that surely will come later. by now he only care for her well being...

he ran to the park, where she loved to play at, but she's not there. He went to his school, under the big cherry tree where Tsuna usually stayed when he'd classes, but she's not there either. 

He search her everywhere. Heck he even called every person who knows about Tsuna to help, which they eager to do. 

after running for good hours, Reborn stopped a while to regain his catch his breath that raging as well his heart beat.

"Oi, Reborn!" The raven teen turned his head to see his blond friend called for him. 

"have you found her?" Reborn asked almost imedietely.

Collonello shooked his head, "I was going to ask you the same question, kora..."


Reborn punched the wall hard, the wall's cracking while his fists is bleeding, "Useless... I'm Useless..." Reborn muttered.

"o-oi... Re-" Collonello trailed and stop his movement at the sight of his bestfriend, shredding tears... something that he never seen ever since they first met.

"T-This is all my fault..." Reborn continue as he lower his head more. "She ran because of me... she escaped because of me..." He keeps blaming himself, this time he don't bother to stop his over flowing tears.

Collonello can feel something within him snapped at the broken boy. He clicked his tongue before he then grip Reborn's shoulder and began to rock him hard. "For the god sake, and Tsuna's! Get a grip Reborn! This is nothing like you!! How could you lost it when Tsuna, who probably scared as hell by now, need you the most! Just snap out of it man!!!" he glared at Reborn. and for the first time in his life Reborn found himself scared at the blond. but he also realize that Collonello had a point there...

and so he smiled...

"You're right..." He muttered as his smile the turned into smirk as he kicked Collonello away.

"Kah! what the-?!" 

Reborn dusted out his shirt as he said his reason, "That's for pinning me to the wall. Hmp... such a gut you have there, idiota... but..." but then he neared Collonello and extended his hand to help him up, "I'm grateful to you for reminding me... thank you, brother..." 

Collonello chuckled as he accept the offering hand, 'heh, such a Tsundere, this friend of mine...' he keeps the thought in mind afraid to face the raven's wrath if he accidently slip that out.

"well then, let's keep on looking. I'm sure we'll find her, kora!" Collonello patted Reborn's shoulder as he flashed his grin. Reborn just return it with a smirk. but before he can utter a word, someone had interupted him. that someone is none other than Skull, who's running as if his life  depends on it... 

or maybe it is...

a faint relief can be seen at his face at the sight of his seniors, "Reborn! Collonello!" He called. 

"spill it out lackey..." Reborn stated in venom. and Skull might be dead for real if oly the news that he brought wasn't that important...

"Chibi was...!" Skull said as he panted hard from the run. Collonello was going to knock him out for wasting their time.

Luckly, Skull manage to said it before he did. "Chibi was kidnapped!" He shouted. and thus the world seems to froze, mostly to Reborn.







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