Chapter 11: Potion? What for?

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         I was passing by hallways with Professor Snape until we reach the Hospital Wing, Madame Promfrey then approaches us "good evening Professor Snape what brings you here in this time of night?" she asks. 

"Ms.  L/N has a deep cut on her arm " he says then pushes me gently towards Madame Promfey

"Let me see it" she says then lifts my arm "Merlin! it is deep come here dear" she says while leading me to one of the beds  when I looked back I saw Professor Snape leaving. I felt bad I didn't say thank you. Madame Promfey then puts anti-bacterial medicines on my wound and bandages it, she puts it down then looks at me "you may stay here for the night Miss L/N" she says "Thank you" she nods and leaves me. I look at my bandaged wound and examined it this is the first time I got bandaged it feels kinda uncomfortable but what can I do?

Moments after Professor Snape came back then approaches me "Miss L/N?" "Yes Professor?"  he then gives me a small container with some substance inside it.

"What is it Professor?" "I'll tell you next time but you have to put three drops of this in your drink for  at least twice a week, do you understand?" he asks giving me a serious face "Yes Professor" I answer he nods a leaves again but before he g...

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"What is it Professor?" "I'll tell you next time but you have to put three drops of this in your drink for  at least twice a week, do you understand?" he asks giving me a serious face "Yes Professor" I answer he nods a leaves again but before he gets far I spoke up "Thank You Professor" I say then he continues walking. I made myself comfortable then went to sleep.

--------- In the morning ------------

I was still in bed no plans in getting up and besides I know it's still early, no I don't know the time but it's still cold so it must be early morning. I was still there lying on the comfortable bed then someone shakes me. 

"Y/N Get up" I hear someone say it's voice is low so it must be a boy, I didn't move

"Oh my Merlin is she dead?" another voice says "RON! SHUSH can't you see she's tired" a girl voice says which I think is Hermione "I told you Harry she's still sleeping" now I know who those people are they're the trio. Harry sigh's defeated "I just want to see her before my match" he says now I remember today was the first quidditch match Gryffindor vs. Slyhterin. 

Upon hearing this I groan while sitting up I open my eyes and pretend to be surprised "Merlin! what are you guys doing here?" I sat trying to sound surprised then all of them hugged me "Oh Y/N are you ok?" Hermione asks "yah  I'm good" they release me and gave me space.

"Soo what's up?" I say "Well today's...... " Ron said "Harry's first quidditch mach" I say continuing Ron's sentence I look at Harry and said "Goodluck" he smiles then nods "Madame Promfey says you can have breakfast at the Great Hall wanna come?" Hermione asks "sure!" I say while standing up upon standing up I saw the potion that Professor Snape gave me on the side table I took it and placed it inside one of my pocket robes then went with the trio.

Once we entered the Great Hall I looked at the trio "see you at the match?" I say "yah see you" the all say in unison then hugged me then we departed ways. I was going at the Slytherin table when someone patted my shoulder I looked back to see David "Y/N what happened to you?"  he says "Bro I'm fine don't worry it's just a scratch" I say "A scratch are you serious? would they put bandages around a scratch" "Please bro I'm really hungry can I at least eat before argue with you?" he sigh's "Ok" he says then hugs me then I made my way to the slytherin table I sat next to Draco. He looks at me then my bandaged arm "what happened to you?" he asks "Mr. Malfoy you didn't know that I was gone didn't you" "ummm" "well a troll hit me and that's how I got this." he opens his mouth but I cut him "now no more questions please I am very hungry" I got some food and placed it on my plate, I then start to devour it,I looked over the Gryffindor table to see that Harry isn't eating. I didn't mind it bacause I was too hungry to think.

I finished my food then Professor Snape approaches me "Ms. L/N have you put your potion already" he asks "no Professor not yet" "well I suggest you put it right now so you won't be problematic about it this next days" I nod then pulled the potion out, Professor Snape then leaves "what is that?" Draco asks I didn't answer instead I opened the container then smelled it "Eww" I say as I pull away the potion It smelled terrible, it smelled like rotten egg and apple "soo choosy" Draco says "you smell it" I gave it to him then he smells it "What is that thing" he says "I don't know" I say I gulped then putted three drops of it on my pumpkin juice "here goes nothing" I say and start to drink it. Surprisingly it didn't taste that bad weird but I'm glad I won't be able to drink that for the next days "so how was it?" Draco asks "not bad" I say. 

I'd rather be with......Draco Malfoy x reader x Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now