Chapter 22: Being caught

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Last subject. Potions. With Gryffindor.

Just like always, Proffesor Snape would ask questions to Harry  and deduct points from Gryffindor AND just like always, Malfoy would always have that oh-so-famous smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes and focused on the lesson.

Suddenly I felt dizzy for no reason at all. I just touched my forehead  at and massaged it a little. I decided  to just put my head down.

Draco P.O.V

 Thanks to that Potter, Gryffindor lost another 10 points. Haha!

I looked over Crabbe and Goyle and they have the same expression as I do. Triumphant. I looked over Y/N expecting the same expression but I saw her...head's down.

Is she alright? Is there anything wrong? Is she sick?

Wait, why do I care? No, I DON'T care, I shouldn't, I'm a Malfoy I don't care about anyone.

In fact I'll insult her now. I don't care if she's weak or whatever

"How you doing weak head?" I whispered

She didn't answer, maybe I should insult her more.

"What? Don't you know how  to talk? That's new, stupid" I whispered again

Well she didn't answered this one. OUCH!.

Oh wait, she did, she stepped on my toe.

"HEY!" I whisper----yell at her 

"Is there anything wrong Malfoy?" Proffesor Snape asked

I was about to say 'yes' when Y/N whispered ,"Do you want to lose house points?"

I stiffened up a bit, I looked at her again, her head's down again.

I looked at Proffesor Snape again and told him "No, sir"

He just nodded and continued the lesson. I looked at the Gryffindors and saw a few of them snickering...especially Potter, Granger, and Weasly. I just shot daggers at them.

"10 points from Gryffindor!" Snape shouted and they suddenly shut their mouths.

Haha! That's what you get!

"I should remind you all that there will be no noise in this class" Snape said and continued the lesson.

-After Potions-

I slowly tilted my head up and saw a Slytherins leaving the room, Malfoy's already gone.

That little...

"Hey Y/N!" I heard Ron from behind my back

"Hey..." I said with a coarse voice

"You okay?" Harry asked me with concern in his voice

"Isn't it obvious that she isn't feeling well?" Hermione said with her hands in her hips

"Here take these, it will make you feel better" She handed over a candy

"Thanks" I replied

"Get some rest Y/N you look really pale" Harry said

"Yeah I was thinking of doing that too" We chuckled

"But wait aren't we going to----" Ron didn't finish his sentence because Hermione covered his mouth.

"Going to where?" I asked

"Don't worry about it Y/N, we are going to tell everything to you once you get better, ok?" Harry replied and smiled , I smiled back

"Ok, if you say so" I said

"We should be going now. The curfew still exists you know?" Hermione suddenly said

"Oh yeah right" I chuckled and waved them goodbye as we aparted ways.

-Common Room-

"The Dungeons" I said to the painting and it opened. I sat down in the couch near the fireplace to get all comfy. With my head down in the arm of the couch I napped pretty peacefully.It was like nothing can awake me. That is...until Malfoy decided to disturb me. I really don't know what time it was but based on the darkness and only me and Malfoy in the room I could tell it was late and pass curfew.

"Oi, Y/N wake up!" He said still shaking me

"Ughhhh" I whined. "What do you want Malfoy?" I said groaning

"I saw Potter, Granger, and Weasly heading towards that...what was his name? The servant who lives in the cottage near the dark forest?" He said

"First of all, his name's Hagrid and HE.IS.NOT.A.SERVANT., secondly why would I come with you?" I replied angrily

"Whatever, come on I'm going to get those three in trouble"  He said  practicaly dragging me towards the exit, I tried to pull away but it looks like it's not effective so I decided to give up. We went to each hallway careful of not being caught by Mr. Filch or his stupid cat, cause we might get in trouble.

When we finally made it outside we quickly went our way towards Hagrid's cottage and peeked through a window.

"Imma name 'em Norbert" Hagrid said while looking at a baby dragon. Wait...A DRAGON?! I peeked again and IT WAS A DRAGON, a young Norwegian Ridgeback I remember what it looks thanks to David who forced me to read about dragons. ANYWAY... I peeked again and saw a big smile on Hagrid's face, but suddenly became a terrified expression. I realized that Malfoy was seen (thanks to his stupidity) by Hagrid. I looked over the window again and saw Harry looking at me. I mouthed 'RUN' then ran after Malfoy.

When I reached the hallway I felt I hand cover mouth and drag me over a dark corner. I looked over my shoulder and saw Malfoy.

 "YOU LEFT ME! YOU LITTLE!" I whisper-yell at Malfoy

"Shut up! Let's go to McGonagall, I'm going to get those three in trouble" he said with a sneer in his face

I just rolled my eyes and followed him towards McGonagall's office. Until Irealized, It's past curfew, it's not just the trio who'll get in trouble...WE WOULD TOO.

"Malfoy we would---" It was too late. He had already entered the room. I was hesitating if I should enter the room or not. Just then Malfoy pulled me inside. Proffesor McGonagall's face was a mix of angry and shocked, but mostly angry.

"What is the meaning of this?" She said sternly

"We saw Potter, Granger, and Weasly inside the cottage of that-um- Hagrid, Proffesor" Malfoy replied as if he was innocent.

"This late at night Mr.Malfoy?" McGonagall asked

"Yes Proffesor! Even that-Hagrid also has a dragon!" Malfoy said

"Very well then, I will talk to Hagrid about the dragon later, while you two will come with me until I find those three" She said while standing up and getting a lantern. Malfoy nodded and grinned widely and that grin grew even wider when we saw the trio making their way towards us.

Oh no......

A/N: HAI GUYS SO I'M NOT YET DEAD!! so I just enrolled in a new school so I needed time to fit in and stuff, and other horrible things happened to me these past few months so I'M SOOOOO SORRRY for not updating I'll make it up to you I PROMISE! THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! BTW if you want me tell u a story of what happened to me these past few months I'm open to share it with you :) OH WANNA SEE MAH FACE??? It's 

I'd rather be with......Draco Malfoy x reader x Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now