Chapter 13: Nicholas Flamel?

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    Y/N P.O.V

          Corridor after corridor I couldn't find the trio so I decided to change my outfit first. I went to the Slytherin dormitories and changed my clothes, before I went out I first thought of places where the trio might be, the Great Hall? nah it's to early for dinner, how 'bout the library? could be. So I made my way to the library, I was very close to the library when I saw the trio. I ran to catch up with them then I tapped Ron's back.

"Merlin's beard Y/N stop doing that!" he said with an annoyed tune I giggled.

"By the way Harry congrats for catching the snitch" I said "thanks" he answered.

"soooooo..... why are you headed to the library? that's no question for you Hermione" I said then she chuckled "well remember the three headed dog we saw?" Harry said "uhh yah why?" "well Hermione thinks that fluffy was guarding something" "wait.. wah wah wah wah? fluffy? that dog has a name?" "yes. Hagrid owns him and he said the only people who knows what fluffy is guarding is Professor Dumbledor and Nicholas Flamel" Harry said.

"I know Dumbledor but who's Nicholas Flamel" I ask "well that's why we're headed for the library" Harry answered "mind if I tag along?" "not at all" they said in unison, then we entered the library.

Time skip ( 2 hours later)


Ughhhhhh it's already 6:00 pm and we still don't know who this Nicholas Flamel is we've been in the library for 2 hours and still no luck. I am sitting beside Hermione, and I am reading the book entitled "wizard and witches that taught at Hogwarts" I'm already on the last page and still no wizard named Nicholas Flamel. I looked at the trio and saw that they too are tired so I spoke up.

"Umm guys don't you think we should go eat dinner?" I said "Huh? what time is it?" Hermione asked, I checked my watch "it's already 6:10" "Merlin's beard no wonder I am so hungry" Ron complained "no offense Ron but I think you're always hungry" Hermione said we all laughed well except Ron. Then we stood up returned the books then went to the Great Hall.

I said goodbye to the trio and went to the Slytherin table I saw that there were no space left except beside ..... I don't know she looks kinda fat and has black hair, I sat beside her and introduced myself.

"Y/N L/N" I said extending my arms to her

"Millicent Bulstrode" she said then she shook my hand

The rest of the time was quiet she is shy I can tell. When I was finished with my meal I took out the potion Professor Snape gave me and I remembered he said 2 times a week, I opened it then putted 3 drops of it in my pumpkin juice then drank it.  After dinner I went to the the Slytherin common room and sat on the sofa, I was just there looking at the fire sitting in peace then suddenly someone sat beside me I turned then I saw Malfoy. I sighed why can't this boy leave me!?.

"Yes your majesty?"  I asked then rolled my eyes

"Stop calling me that" he said "I'm just going to ask you if..... if you will go to your home this Christmas break" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

I raised my eyebrow then I answered his question "I am planning to go home this break but it still depends" I said "well if ever you will go home feel free to join us" he said, Draco Malfoy? is that you? "I mean you will join us" he said in a demanding voice, he's back!.

I smirked then I stood up then went to the girls dormitory I changed into my pajamas then brushed my teeth and hair. I fed feathers then I heard scratching on the window, I went to the window and saw Hermes I opened the window and read the letter he was holding:

Dear Y/N,

How are you? Your brother said you fainted the other day and that your arm is badly hurt. We hope that you're fine now. Anyways exciting news your father got accepted in the Ministry of Magic! and we are planning to have a ball here at the manor in order to celebrate your Fathers acceptance, we know that you and David don't like balls and parties we are allowing you to stay there at Hogwarts for Christmas break but we hope to see you soon.

                                                                                                                    - Love Mom and Dad

Yes! NO party! thank you mader! it would be rude if I wouldn't write back so I got a pen and a paper and started writing:

Dear Mom and Dad,

   Yes, I am fine now my arm doesn't hurt anymore and I'm in good health also. Anyways congrats Dad I know you're going to do great things and thank you for not forcing me and David to go to the ball and thanks for letting us stay here I hope you enjoy the ball, I'll tell David right away.

                                                                                                                          - Lots of love Y/N

I fed Hermes then watched him flew outside the window, I quickly wrote a letter to my brother then gave it to Feathers then asked him to deliver it to David. After moments of waiting Feathers returned holding a letter that says that he is happy he wouldn't attend another ball and that he's going to stay at Hogwarts. I put the letter down, putted Feathers inside his cage then went to sleep.


Hey guys finally update I know right sorry it took so long anyways 800+ reads! thank you very much for this I'll update as soon as I can but for now goodbye and thanks

I'd rather be with......Draco Malfoy x reader x Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now