Chapter 1

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Clouds covered the sky, blocking the sun. It was evening already. A lot has happened here in the land of Aria. Monsters flooding the forest floor. Demons lurking in the shadows. Guardians trying their best to avoid any disasters. I was one of them.

"Lynessa, a little help here? This one's a tough one," Alexis requested, while weakening the monster's power.
"Can't you see I'm quite busy here dealing with the enourmous monster?" I muttered, "I'm sure you got this in your hands." Claiming the fact that he has more experience as a guardian than me, he should be able to deal with his monster.
"Alright alright.. But once we're done, clean up for me afterwards, will ya?" he added, "I have some unfinished business back in my hometown."
I nodded in agreement, without even bothering to ask why. After I dealt the last blow to the monster, it was over. The place, however, was a mess, monster corpses were lying on the ground. Alexis sped off without even saying anything.
I wonder what's the unfinished business he has. I thought to myself. Without hesitation, I casted a spell to dispose all the corpses.

Now that's done with, it's time to go back to the Sanctum–
"Mommy! Wake up, mommy!" A cry interrupted me. It was coming from the back of a burnt house. I went to check the scene. It was an unpleasant moment.

     A young girl, with bright violet eyes and long, smooth hair. She was kneeling down on her knees, next to a woman, who I assumed to be her mother. It reminded me a situation similar to what I had when I lost my parents. It was a very sad moment.
     She noticed I stood there, watching her. "Who are you? Why are you here?" she asked with a surprised look on her face.
     "I-I am Lynessa," I stuttered, "a guardian to protect Aria." My mind was jumbled with thoughts that I couldn't comprehend.
     "Can you please help my mommy?" she spouted, shaking her mother's corpse, hoping she was still alive.
     I let out a sigh and gave her a pat on the back, "I'm sorry, but she's in a better place now." I didn't know what to say. She wrapped her arms around me, tears dripped to the ground.

"Don't worry. I'll help you out. It's gonna be okay." I told her, so that she didn't have to feel so down.
"Okay," she wiped her tears off, "oh by the way, my name's Senia." The atmosphere around us suddenly changed. It felt like Nia just passed by.
"Is there something wrong?" she asked, clueless to why I froze.
"It's nothing. Everything will be fine, Nia," I stated, "I'm going to protect you.. like a big sister."

Senia rode my back on the way to the Sanctum. "From now on, you can live here," I implied, showing her room. The floor and walls were bright pink in colour. She jumped off my back and and lied on her bed, looking exhausted. I offered her a drink, but she didn't want any. She just needed some rest. I tucked her in bed and switched off the lights.

I went to the back of the Sanctum. It was already late night. A graveyard lied ahead of me.

"Hello Nia. How has it been? I hope you are well rested," I greeted, even though I knew I wouldn't get a reply back.

"Today, I met a girl named Senia. She looks just like you," I added, "but she's a bit different in a way." The wind breezed through the night sky, the moon shone its brightest tonight.

"However, I'll protect her like a sister. Just like how I always protect you in the past," I pleaded.

She was my new Sunlight of Hope.

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