Chapter 2

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Senia had the same appearance like Nia, however unlike Nia, their personalities differed from each other. Nia was an extrovert and liked to have fun, but Senia was more like an introvert and shy. Regardless, I still wanted to protect her from any harm.

One day, I was busy cleaning the Sanctum. However, Senia was nowhere to be found. I checked outside, only to find her walking towards the Sanctum. I rushed to her and ask if she was fine.
"Where have you been, Nia?" I worried, "I was very worried when you weren't in the house."
"It's nothing important," she responded, while looking slightly away from me.
"Show me your hands," I said. She hesitated for a bit, but insisted to show her hands. Her hands were filled with cuts.
"Ouch! Please be careful with it, Sis," she begged.
I casted a healing spell on her and it was healed in no time. "Don't do any more secret sword trainings, okay?" I demanded her.
She replied with an okay and went inside to her room. I sighed in relief. I hoped she won't drove off without permission like that again.

{Senia's POV}

    Sis always went out on her mission. I know she's strong, but I wanted to go with her.. Like a guardian. I don't want to be alone in the Sanctum, I want to go with her. Help her. Protect her. I kept thinking to myself. So I trained secretly to strengthen myself, but then she found out and disallowed me to train again.
I never liked the fact that she wanted herself to feel the burden. I don't like her suffering this much. I wanted to feel it as well so that she didn't need to experience all of it. I guess the time might come someday.

"Nia, I'm going out on another mission. Be a good girl now when I'm gone, okay?" she said, while preparing herself to leave.
"Sis, can I come with you? I'll watch you from a distance. I promise!" I insisted.
She let out a sigh and rejected, "Nia, this mission is very dangerous."
"I know! But I'll be a good-"
"I'm sorry, Nia," she interrupted, "but it's for your own safety." I could tell by her voice that she was getting mad, but she controlled it in.
A sudden silence broke out afterwards. She didn't want to waste her time so she left in a hurry. I didn't want to be alone again in the Sanctum. I ended up following her to the destination.

I hid behind an old, crooked building. It smelled reek inside, but I beared with it. I watched and observed her. She took out the whole wave of enemies. My mouth was wide open, amazed by her strength.
Someday, I can be strong like her. Fighting enemies by her side. Protecting her. Thoughts flourished my mind, like a disaster just happened inside.
She finished off the enemies. I was relieved. Suddenly, an absent-looking adventurer came by. His eyes looked very dull. Dark aura seems to be coming out from him. Then, he started to cast a spell that seemed fatal towards Lynessa.
"Watch out, Sis!" I yelled, while jumped in to try blocking the spell. I heard her screaming my name out. As expected, she took out the adventurer in mere seconds. I, on the other hand, wasn't too well. The pain was unbearable that I become unconscious. I could hear her calling out my name faintly, though.

{Lynessa's POV}

     I brought Senia to the Sanctum. Her body felt very cold like an iceberg. It must've been the curse. I casted a healing spell on her, but it had no effect.
How am I suppose to get rid of the curse now? Wait, I have Nia's pendant. That should weaken the curse enough.
     Her body temperature increased to normal. I was relieved.
Wait, should I let my guard down now? I must find a way to obliterate the curse! I mumbled to myself.

{Senia's POV}

     I opened my eyes and saw myself laying on a bed. I saw no one else in the room, but then Sis entered. Her eyes looked dull, unlike the usual dazzling red. I asked what was up, but she didn't responded. It was creepy. She then crept up to my ear and whispered, "Death is near. The clock is ticking."
     I immediately woke up after hearing those words. It turned out to be a dream. It sent shivers to my spine. My Sis was there, shocked. I explained everything to her.
     "Don't worry, Nia. I won't do anything like that to you," she added, "Now get some rest, okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes slowly.

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