Chapter 7

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{Chris' POV}

     As I entered the dark midst of the hallway, the light began to fade. Fortunately, I could see in darkness, like a cat. Good thing those carrot meals paid off. Always eat your veggies, folks!

     Anyways, with my increased vision, I was able to detect the trapwires and pressure plates beneath my feet. I tiptoed my way across the hallway, while trying to avoid the seemingly-deadly traps. Luckily, I made it through.

However, at the end of the hallway, there was a door covered with cracks and scratches. It was as if the someone or something had been here and tried to destroy the door, but was unsuccessful.

     I peeked through the door cracks to see what was on the other side. There was nothing suspicious about it. Suddenly, I saw a mysterious creature in the shadows. My vision wasn't clear enough to identify it because it only appeared for about a split second.

     I panicked and tried to go back as quickly as possible, but then I tripped on something unusual. I looked back to check what it was, but it vanished. Suddenly, two bright red eyes glowed in front of me. Its tail circled around me, trapping me inside.

     "Hello old mate," I called out, "let's have some fun, shall we?"

{Alex's POV}

     It was very dark. Sunlight wasn't able to shine through the hallway. I couldn't see anything, so I used my fire spell to light up the dark midst. In front of me were staircases leading downstairs. I had a weird feeling at first, but I decided to go down anyways.

     Along the way down, I investigated the walls. I found some writings scattered with blood around it. Although it was barely readable, I was able to read it.

Leave now

Don't go further

You are gonna regret this

     I ignored the message and continued my way down. Along my way down, I kept hearing eerie whispers repeating the message earlier. As I got closer to the end, there were some torches beside the walls, giving off some lighting. Good timing too since my hand was getting sore holding the fire up.

     I finally arrived at the bottom of the stairs. It was a room filled with torture machines. Corpses hanging on the wall and dry blood on the floor. The surroundings smelled reek.

"Gee, this place could use a janitor," I joked out loud, "it stinks down here."

Then, a silhouette appeared in the distance all of a sudden. He held a scythe, like the Grim Reaper would. I could hear his heavy breathings.

"You.. ignored the message.. What a fool! It's time," he breathed between his words, "to pay.. the price."

"Oh god no! I guess the message was right," I exclaimed, "I'm gonna regret this real bad."

He jumped straight towards me, like a lion. I was shivering with fear, my whole body shook nervously, sweat all over my face.

I hope I live.

{Senia's POV}

"I can't see a thing. Where are you, Rose?" I worried.

"Wait first," she answered back, "I have an idea!" She chanted some magic words. Then, her body glowed and shone through the darkness. "Tada!"

"Wow!" I was amazed, "That's pretty awesome!"

"Oh it's nothing," she bragged like it was easy.

Without hesitation, she guided the way into the hallway. There were lots of spider webs. Luckily, the spiders were absent.

"Hey Rose," I called, "How do you feel about the Queen?"

"To be honest, I actually miss her," she told, "She showed me around the forest, taught me new spells, and even helped me when I'm in danger."

"The Queen must love you so much," I commented. I could see Rose's face turned red, so I asked, "Rose, you okay? Your face is red."

"I-I-I.. It's nothing, really!" she stuttered, "Let's get a move on and be done with this."

"Hmm okay," I insisted, "but if you feel like there's something wrong or anything, tell me about it."

"Dangit! Why did I blush in front of her?" she whispered to herself, "Such an embarrassment of myself!"

Anyways, we continued down the hallway until we found something extraordinary. The floor was slowly being covered with grass, and the walls began to change into a forest. It was magical! The place soon became a real forest, filled with mythical creatures. Then, I saw a glimpse of someone. A girl far away from us.

Could it be? Have I finally found you?

I ran swiftly towards her, leaving Rose behind. She was calling out for my name, but I didn't realise it. After a while, Rose gave up and followed me instead.

Once we reached there, she was nowhere to be found. We decided to stop here for a minute. I panted heavily, taking deep breaths.

"What in the world was that for?!" Rose asked angrily.

"I thought I saw my Sis here," I pleaded, "I'm sorry."

"Well, good thing you didn't trip or anything. Else I would've been screwed by Alex," she blabbered, "Anyways, where are we?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "but it seems like we're in a deeper part of the forest."

Suddenly, we heard a woman screamed in the distance. It was as if she was trying to endure some sort of pain. We both went to check out who it was. The scream was getting louder and louder as we got close.

     "Oh my," I gasped.

     "Queen Melphid!" Rose shouted her name.

"Who's there? Ugh.. Leave right this instant!" the Queen mumbled. She then released some sort of dark energy within her body.

"No.. It can't be," Rose muttered, "She must've took in eternity!"

"What?! How can we stop it?" I questioned hesitantly.

"There's no known cure!" she answered, "Oh dear oh dear! What are we supposed to do?!"

"I'm sorry, Rose," I apologized, "but I'm gonna fight and destroy eternity from her body."

"Are you crazy?! I already told you there's no known cure yet!" she argued, "What if you fail?!"

"Thinking about failure means you are never going to achieve success. It's better to try than to think about the consequences," I quoted, without even thinking my words through.

It's now..

or never!

Eternal SeniaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin