Chapter 13

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{Alex's POV}

We had been trekking for several hours already. This dead forest seemed like it had no ending. It was as if we were trapped in here forever. However, Senia still had hope and continued on. Her insistence to escape this forest and find her sister. It was one personality that described her the most.

After time had passed, I saw a cabin, abandoned actually. We decided to check it out. As we got closer, the wind breezed strongly, as if there was a tornado homing in. The windows were all covered with spider webs, glass shards on the porch and lights flickering on and off. Suddenly, I heard a whisper coming from inside the walls of the cabin. I couldn't depict what it said, only blabbers and mumbles.

     We decided to enter the cabin through a wrecked door. I brushed off the spider webs that clinged onto my body. With my fire spells, I lighted up the chandelier above our heads. I was surprised that it was still hanging, untouched.

     "Careful, you two. Especially you, Senia," I warned, "There are a couple of cracks on the floor, and I don't want you to fall-" As I said that, I accidently broke a wooden plank on the floor and fell to the basement.

     "Yeah, careful next time," Rose taunted me.

     "Alex, you okay down there?" Senia was concerned, "Do you see anything creepy looking?"

     "I'm fine, I'm fine. You two go explore the other rooms," I told them, "I'll call ya if I found something interesting."

{Senia's POV}

     The cabin seemed small from the outside, but was luxurious in the inside. Furnitured with chandeliers, bookcases, a widescreen TV, all the great stuffs. Rose lightly pulled my hair, pointing towards the kitchen. So I followed her there.

     "Nia! Nia! Lookie there!" she pointed out through the window. There was a little playground outside. Dusty and old, but childhood. I missed my younger days to be honest.

     "Senia! Rose! You two should take a look at what I found here," Alex was calling out our names. His voice disrupted my flashback of my younger self. Nonetheless, we both jumped down from the crack he made earlier.

     "What is it?" I asked, anxious of his discovery.

     He grabbed a thick wooden board and lighted it up, making it a torch for us to see. Shining it against the walls of the basement, we could see some handwritings. It was barely readable but I could understand it.

It's me. You can't save them.
You can't escape from me.
Prepare to face your doom.

     A familiar-looking silhouette immediately came through the hole and blocked it with another wooden board.

     "Chris!" Rose and I yelled. Alex stayed silent.

     "We need a plan right now, she's coming to get you guys!" he told us while breathing heavily.

     "Who is this 'she' exactly?" Alex crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

     "My friend," he replied, "She set a trap."

     "And you made us into it, you idiot!" Alex snapped back, pressing him against a wall, almost choking him. Rose covered her eyes, terrified of what might happened next.

     "You have to trust me," he suggested, trying to fight back Alex's strength.

     "Trust you?! Why in the world should we trust you?!" Alex yelled furiously.

     "Because I'm your only chance," he gave up fighting, almost went limp and pale. Alex finally let go of him and slowly put him on the floor.

     "Your only opportunity to gain our trust back," Alex mentioned, "Don't lose it."

     Using his fingers, Chris drew out the layout of the cabin beneath and above ground. It may looked complex, but it was understandable, even for a young one like me.

     Beneath the cabin, the layout seemed vastly huge, comparable to a mansion. He gave us different directions to each of us because each pathway was only big enough for one person. Although we would be seperated, it all led to the same exit, just different timelengths to reach there.

     With that all worked out, we headed out, sticking to the plan. I hope Chris's 'friend' won't catch up to us soon.


A/N: Hellu guys~ I'm soooo sooo sorryyy for the late updates~~ I've been busy with life n' all D: I hope I didn't disappoint you all~ Hopefully I can continue my story and upload the next chapter asap~
Again, sorry for the late updates.. Hope you enjoy this chapter.. Peace now~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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