Chapter 5

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{Senia's POV}

     "I couldn't see or hear anything. It was pitch black everywhere. I hope the others are okay," I thought to myself, "I hope my Sis is okay too."

     Suddenly, I heard someone repeatedly calling my name. It was Alex and Chris. I opened my eyes slowly, and saw the others were fine. I was relieved. However, we were teleported into some sort of forest outside the Tower.
     "I think we're in the Forest of the Fairies," Chris mentioned.
     "Did you say Fairies?" I wondered, "Is there a Fairy Queen?"
     "Actually, there is one," Alex answered, with a smile on his face, "Her name is Queen Melphid. She's been guarding this forest entirely, safe from any possible danger."
     "She must be very hardworking then," I commented, "How long has she live?"
     "She has lived even before your sister was even born," Chris jumped in, "Theories consulted that she is an immortal, but no one really knows the truth yet."
     "So does that mean.. she can die anytime?" I asked curiously.
     "Sorry to burst your bubbles, but yes. She can die anytime right now. She has been around for about 10,000 years already if I recall correctly," Alex mentioned.
I trembled with fear, however I didn't let myself down. I need to keep my confidence.

When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. When you have a lot of fun, you can do amazing things.

My Sister always told me that everytime we went outside to play. Those words never have left my mind ever since. I kept those words to my heart.

     After a long chat, we finally ventured into the forests in search for my Sister. We fought numerous swarms of enemies that were in our paths. From Evil Flowers to Timberwolves to Giant Mushrooms, we finished them all off.
     Suddenly, my favourite sword broke apart when I tried to kill an Enormous Mushroom. However, that didn't stop my adventure. I crafted a new sword from the materials we gathered earlier. It wasn't like the Hydrangea Sword, but it worked out fine.

     Halfway into the forest, we decided to stop by and set up camp since the sky is getting darker. Fortunately, we had some leftovers for our snacks.
     Chris scavenged for some firewood for our fire. While he was out, me and Alex stayed behind to set up the tents. Although I never been to a camp before, I managed to set the tents up with the help of Alex.
     Usually, Chris and Alex would have a campout when not on duty. So they had a lot of experience when camping overnight. However, they hadn't been camping ever since the demons started popping into Aria.
     "Ah the fresh air," Alex spoke, "it's been a while since we last camped."
     "Hey Alex, what would you and Chris usually do during campouts?" I questioned.
     "We would roast some marshies, tell ghostly stories, sing a campfire song-"
     "Campfire song?" I interrupted, "How does it go?"
     "Well Nia, it goes like this," Alex started singing and eventually, Chris joined in the song while bringing various firewoods. The song was very calm and soothing. I yawned a couple of times and almost fell asleep.

     After they finished their song, it was already dark out in the woods. We prepared the campfire and roasted our marshmellows. It was delicious! I hoped to have a campout with my Sister in the future. I.. I want.. To be with her.

{Alexis' POV}

It was a bright sunny morning. The birds chirped a lovely tune. Chris and Senia were already awoke. I guess I was the last one to wake up. Nonetheless, we packed everything up and prepared to venture deeper into the forest.
"Chris, do you know where we're going? You don't even have a map," I objected, "I think we're lost."
"Psssh.. It's no biggy. I'm sure we're on the right track," Chris replied, "My uhh.. instincts! Ah yes! They never lie to me."
I just sighed lightly. On the other hand, Senia gripped hardly onto my hand. I asked her what was the problem.
"I can't hold it," Senia wept, while crossing her legs to hold it back.
"Oh crap! Wait here Chris. Senia needs some private time, so don't peek!" I demanded.
"You don't peek as well," he taunted me with his troll face. I felt like slapping him, but I controlled my rage.
Once she was done, we continued adventuring into the forest. However, it felt different from yesterday. It felt like as if the trees were whispering. It was probably my imagination.

"We're going on a trip, in our favourite rocketship," Chris hummed, "zooming through the skies, Little Ein-"
"Shut up Chris!" I interrupted him, "It's becoming a nuisance to hear it,"
Senia just chuckled in silence. Although he could be an annoyance, we had a lot of fun.
"We should do this more often," Chris suggested, "but with Lynia too!"
"Who's Lynia?" I asked, confused.
"Lynessa and Senia, duh," he answered, "I thought it was obvious."
"Just stop this madness already," I mumbled.

Suddenly, we heard a shriek. It was coming from the river side of the forest. We hurried there to find out who, or possibly what, was screaming. Since we were guardians, it was still our duty to help ones in need.

{Lynessa's POV}

"So they followed me to the Tower and this Forest, huh?" I talked to myself, "We'll see about that."
I jumped from tree to tree, without leaving a single trace of evidence I was there, not even a slight sound.
"I hoped that Little Fairy could distract them."

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