[Chapter One]

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Torture is finally over. Aka school. I took all of my stuff before heading outside the building. As i walk to my house, it was cold and the sky was grey. I shivered as i continue to walk to my house.

I was humming a song that was stuck in my head for weeks until a felt a raindrop drop on me. And another one. And another until it was completely raining. I searched for a place where i can stay and quickly saw a bus station.

I ran to it, only ending up bumping to a person that was rushing as well. He stopped for a split second to say sorry before he ran away and so did i.

I didnt get a better or clear look at him. All i saw is his curly hazel or probably brown- ish hair.

As the rain began to stop, i quickly ran to my house. I let myself fall on the couch and let my bag on floor.

Then, the sound of my phone startled me. I answered it.

"Hi mom." i said lazily." Hi Ally. So i already sent the money there. i think it will be there next week or something. Don't waste it okay?" my mom said. "yeah yeah thanks whatever." i said, ending the call quick.

I didn't want to talk to her. I don't wanna talk to anyone. All i want is to be alone with my notebook and pencil forever.

I took my bag and pulled out my sketchbook and a pencil and start to draw random stuff that comes to ny head.

*A few minutes later*
I looked at my sketchbook and was surprised at what i did. I ended up drawing that guy i bumped into earlier. I didn't expect this. I was just randomly drawing a person and ended up with this.

It's not that in complaining. It's actually pretty.

I shoved the sketchbook and pencil in my bag before heading to the fridge to see what's dinner.


Ugh. Nevermind. I dont wanna eat anyways so i just headed upstairs and just went to sleep...

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This. Is. Fucking. Short. Im sorry. Actually, this was suppose to be shorter but i tried to make it a little longer. 😁👍❤

K love you people!!!

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