Unwelcome House Guests

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Sutton woke up, rolling out of her bed and trudging to the bathroom. She got ready and went down stairs where her mom sat with three familiar heads. Sutton rolled her eyes, anger reddening her cheeks.

"Sutton, you're up!" Her mom got up, greeting her as she steered clear of the boys.

"Petunia, what's for breakfast?" Sutton leans over the island counter, watching her house maid shuffle between the fridge and the stove.

"Pancakes!" Petunia said, cheery.

"Pancakes?" All three of the boys said in unison as they walked in behind Sutton's mom.

"Smells good already, Petunia," Sutton's mom complimented.

"Thank you, Ms. Cordelia," Petunia said.

"Sutton, will you set up the table for six?" Cordelia asked.

"I don't mind setting up for Petunia, you and I. But I will not set up for them," Sutton gave a glare in the boys' direction.

"Now," Sutton sighed and got six glass plates from the cabinet. And as she got out the silverware, she balanced the plates on her knee.

A little while later, Petunia was done cooking and everyone sat around the big dining room table. Sutton looked angrily at her plate while the boys ate in silence on the opposite side from her.

"Okay," Cordelia said, getting everyone's attention. "We need to get this sorted out because I know you don't hate them and they are wanting to spend Christmas here again."

Sutton slumped back in her chair, crossing her arms. Ricky, Liam, and Emery looked at each other, wide eyed, not ready for the argument to come.

When Sutton just sat there, her mom went on, "So are you going to have a problem with that or are you going to forgive them?"

"Forgive them?" Sutton almost screeched. Why would I ever forgive them? They've left me! Twice!"

"It's work, Sutton," Ricky butted in.

"Yeah, work and girlfriends. No time for the random fan girl, right?" Sutton smiled menacingly.

"Its not like that," Emery started.

"Then please inform me," Sutton sat back.

"You're our family," Liam said, attempting to reach out for Sutton's hand. She pulled back.

"Yeah, family," Sutton scoffed. She got up and walked away, back into her room.

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