The 12th Day of Christmas

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"Sutton, it's time to wake up," Mom poked her head into Sutton's room.

"I've been awake but I couldn't exactly reach my crutches," Sutton waved her hands towards her crutches by the door.

"Sorry, must've left them," Mom smiled and took them over to Sutton.

"Thanks," Sutton said, adjusting her arms and hands.

"Do you need help downstairs?" Mom held the door.

"No, mom," Sutton said, getting irritated at her mom's pushing.

Sutton made it downstairs without falling, it had been her first time without her mom's assistance. She hopped her way across the living room towards the kitchen.

"Why are there so many presents? And when did you put up the decorations?" Sutton looked back at her mom.

"Sutton, its Christmas," she walked past her daughter and went into the kitchen.

Sutton followed her mother into the kitchen for breakfast. "Where's breakfast?"

"Just grab some juice from the fridge, we'll have the big lunch later." Sutton' mom walked out of the room.

Sutton struggled to open the fridge without hitting her crutches but once she got it, there was another obstacle between her and the juice.

"We took it to the park, sorry! Love, the boys." Sutton read out the note. "Ugh," she sighed and headed for the front door. She needed it for breakfast or her stomach would turn on her. And she needed to keep up with her schedule to get better.

Sutton out on her coat and boots and started the path to the park. After many minutes of hopping, she reached the park. She looked around for the boys and her juice.

"Sutton!" She turned around to see Emery behind her.

"Where's my juice, Emery?" Sutton slumped on her crutches.

"Right here," he held up the juice. "And I've got a chair for you," Emery said as he unfolded it.

Sutton sat down. "What's this about?"

"You'll see," Emery smiled.

Sutton watched Emery run off and when he came back he was accompanied by Liam and Ricky, and they were all holding snowballs.

"Here you go," they set their snowballs in front of Sutton. "Aim and shoot!" Each boy spread out their arms and closed their eyes.

Sutton picked up a snowball and threw it at Liam. He laughed at impact. After a few more, the boys hugged Sutton.

"Okay, time for the next thing!" Liam and Emery picked up Sutton's chair as Ricky grabbed her crutches.

They walked her back to the house and set her on the combined couches. Liam ran to the presents and started handing them out.

"Ricky! Those are not for you," Sutton let herself laugh as Ricky stuffed his face.

"Hot chocolate for everyone!" Mom came out with a tray full of mugs.

For the next few hours, the four of them drank hot chocolate, watched a movie, and tried out their presents.

"Okay, one last thing." Liam brought out the chair.

"Again?" Sutton sighed and laughed as she sat down in the foldable chair.

The boys laughed and carried her towards the park. Her mom followed and Sutton realized she had a camera with her. They reached the lady on the bench from their previous Christmas together and the boys set Sutton down.

"No one is scaring me," Sutton stated.

"Nope," the boys sat down with the lady.

"But I am here to surprise you," Rowan said as she same from behind the statue.

Sutton didn't say anything when she saw Rowan standing in front of her. A wave of emotions crashed over her and she started crying.

"Don't cry," Rowan knelt in front of Sutton and the boys got up.

"They're happy tears," Sutton said between drops. Rowan hugged her tightly and the boys joined in around.

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