Chapter 14

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I paced back in forth in my dorm, trying to figure out a way to break it to Kyle that I wanted to be with Jude. How was I supposed to look into the beautiful brown eyes of a guy I really liked and tell him that I didn't want to be with him? I couldn't do it. I wouldn't be able to make it through the first word. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I already had a couple of texts from him that I hadn't responded to. Was I really going to do this by text? I rested my phone against my forehead. And then it started ringing. Of course, it was Kyle. I considered letting it go to voicemail, but I knew I had to do this now.

"Hey." I answered in a fake casual voice.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in days!" He replied. 

I forced a chuckle. "Yeah." I paused. "Sorry."

It was silent on the other end of a moment. "Nova, is something wrong?" He asked in a sincerely considered voice.

I sighed. "Kyle... I don't know how..." I bit my lip to try to keep my tears at bay. I knew this was going to be hard, but no amount of preparation made me ready for this conversation. "'s just..." The tears spilled down my eyes; my voice cracking as I attempted to speak. I chocked back a sob. "Kyle, I'm with him."

It was quiet on the other end for a very long time. The only sound I heard was me trying to stifle my cries. After a minute or so, Kyle cleared his throat. "If he makes you happy, then I'm happy." I could hear the sadness in his voice that he was trying to cover up. "But if you change your mind, or want to talk it over—I'm here."

I smiled. "You're a great guy."

He chuckled. "You keep saying that. Not sure I believe it."

"You are." I assured him.

"Tell you what; if you really believe I'm this great guy you say I am, come find me at some point in the next 24 hours." He told me. "If you don't show, then I won't believe you." I could hear the teasing note to his voice.

I smiled. "Kyle... I'm kind of with Jude now." I reminded him.

"I know." I heard his tone and knew he wore a sly smirk. "But the challenge is still on the table." He chuckled. "Tick, tock." I shook my head and hung up the phone.

I was supposed to meet Jude today, but the devil on my shoulder told me to go to Kyle. I knew I liked Kyle, a lot. I was incredibly attracted to him, he made me laugh, and so happy—being alone with him could lead to things I would regret. Well, days later.

At 7 that night, I dolled myself up the best I could and let out a nervous, guilty breath as I left my dorm room. I sneaked over to Kyle's dorm hall thankfully undetected, and made my way to his room. I had never been to his dorm, but he had dropped the number to me about a thousand times. 110. I let out a sigh and knocked on the door. In a second he opened it; looking better than ever. His dark brown hair was messy in a sexy way, a shirt was not present, his boxers were just barely peeking out from his very nice dark denim jeans, and—just his face in general.

I sighed again and walked passed him into his room. He shut the door. "Well, hello to you, too." He said with a grin.

I walked an appropriate distance away from him and then turned around. "I really shouldn't be here right now." I told him and rubbed my arm.

Kyle smirked and looked unconvinced by this. "Give me one good reason why not." His tone was confident, and for a reason I couldn't understand, turned me on.

"I...well, I..." The reason for my hesitance was doing this to Jude after telling him I had ended things with Kyle; but here I was.

He chuckled. "What was that?" He asked in a teasing tone. I looked down at the floor with a sheepish grin. He slowly made his way over to me. "If it's because of him, you should know that I'm positive I can care for you and make you happy in every conceivable level." He spoke with a smile and grabbed my hand. "All you got to do is give me a chance."

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