Chapter 1

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A/N: Yay first chapter of a new story! I'm not really planning on having a regular schedule for this story yet. I'll mostly just upload chapters on days that I'm not uploading a chapter of "Uncharted Territory". I'm not sure how long this is going to be, either. I'm just going to write and see where it goes.

I really hope you guys like this new story. I'm trying to get more stories up so you have something to read. This one will be updated fairly frequently so hopefully you'll have a new chapter whenever you try to read one of my stories. No official plan yet though. 

This is off topic, but have you ever heard of the band "TV On The Radio"? They're a weird art-rock band (it's like a mix of jazz, soul + R&B, post-punk, electro, indie, and more) and no two songs of theirs sound the same. If you want to look them up, listen to the songs "Dirtywhirl" and "Wolf Like Me" or just all of that album because I've been obsessed with it. Anywho. Just wanted to share that. If you don't really care, you can just skip my author's notes because I tend to ramble and talk about random stuff sometimes.

Today was the first day of school at Baker's Academy. John was incredibly nervous, because unlike most of the students, he was here on a sports scholarship. That was the only way he could get into such a posh school. Even though he was here on a sports scholarship, John was a great student. He'd been in the top five in his class at his old school and got very good grades. He needed to if he wanted to be a doctor, after all. 

John grabbed his bags out of the back of his sister's car. He had a slightly worn duffle bag with a patch from his previous school on it and a nicer bag that held all his football gear. After he put everything down on the sidewalk, he turned to say goodbye to his sister.

"Good luck at your new school, John. I'm really happy for you. I never got sent anywhere even close to this nice."

"Thanks, Harry. I'll make sure to call you."

"You better. If you don't, I'll just assume you've been kidnapped or brainwashed and bust in here to come get you."

"I'll call, I promise. What would I do without you?"

"I dunno. Die probably."

"I should get going. I want to get settled in before I have to go to the assembly."

"Alright. See ya', dork. Love you."

"Love you too, Harry."

I hug her one last time before I start heading to the dorms. There are lots of staff and students standing around outside the dorms welcoming new people and telling them where they're going to be staying. A friendly looking older boy comes up to me. He's holding a list of names and room numbers with half the list crossed out. He eagerly sticks out his hand, meaning for me to shake it.

"Hi. Mike Stamford. You are?"

"John Watson."

"Ah Watson..."

Mike looks over the list until he finds my name. When he finds it, a surprised look crosses his face for a moment before it turns into a genuine smile (not one of those you're-new-and-I'm-pretending-to-be-friendly ones).

"You're in room 221. That's on the second floor in the B wing."

"Alright. Thank you."

"Oh, before you go, you should know that you're room mate is a bit... eccentric. He might come off as a total arse at first, but he's not that bad once you get to know him."

"Good to know. Thanks."

I head up the stairs and find room 221. The door is all black with gold numbers on it; completely identical to all the other doors in the hallway except there's a fluorescent bio-hazard symbol on this one. I unlock the door and walk in to find a thin, dark haired boy with his nose in a book. I set my things down near the unclaimed bed and decide to introduce myself.

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