Chapter 12

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A/N: Ok sorry I lied again about being better about uploading. Things are still more hectic than I would like them to be. Sorry again. I'm going to try to be better about uploading. [Insert excuses here: lack of time, writer's block, etc]

This chapter will probably be a little bit longer just because I haven't uploaded a chapter in a while and I want to make up for it. It will be good I promise. 

John loved him. Sherlock wasn't sure if anyone had ever loved him before. Of course, there was his family, but they only did because they had to. Just when he thought he had their relationship figured out, he was shoved back into the unfamiliar.

What does one do when someone loves them?

Did he just treat John like he did before? Should he pay more attention to John in public? Should he pay less attention to John to stay inconspicuous? Would John expect more from him now that they were in love?

"Love is hard..."

"What was that, Sherlock?"

"Nothing. Just mumbled to myself."

John seemed happier than normal. Happier than when he was at his happiest. Sherlock wasn't sure how to react to it. Sherlock felt a lot of things -relief, confusion, bewilderment- but uncontrollable happiness wasn't one of them. He credited this to the fact that he was a sociopath and moved on. 

The two of them figured that it would be better if they kept things quiet for now.

No public displays of affection. No awkwardly holding eye contact longer than necessary. They kept their interaction to a minimum. They wanted nothing to feel out of the ordinary- they tried to act... chummy.

Sherlock hated the word. It was certainly not how he felt about John. Hell, he never felt that way about anyone, especially not John.

John had football practice after classes. He really didn't feel like going. He rarely truly didn't want to go, and this time he doesn't even have a good reason why. As soon as he saw Greg jogging up to him with a big, stupid grin on his face, he realized why he didn't want to be there.

"Heeey Watson! How are you and you know who?" Greg put extra emphasis on the last bit by lowering his voice and adding a wink. John wasn't sure if he was really happy for them or just thought it was funny.

"Things are good. Everything's fine, yep." John tried to avoid any more prying questions from Greg by rushing into the locker room.

"Oh, come on! Don't think I'm going to let you off that easy! I want details."

"There aren't really any details to share." Greg looked utterly dissatisfied, his facial expression clearly showing he expected a better answer. "You know how he is," John hissed.

"Actually, no. Not really, and not in that sense. What's he like in the sack?"

"Greg!" John felt his face blush bright red and had to quickly shove the suddenly emerging thoughts out of his head. "We're not even close to being at that point yet!"

"Shame. He's not a bad looking bloke. If I were in your situation-"

"Could you please shut up about it?!"

"Fine, backing off. In all seriousness though, how are you two? I can't imagine a relationship like that being easy."

"It's not. It's kind of weird and neither of us have any idea what we're doing. And we both tend to assume the worst with things."

"How so?"

"It's a long story, but let's just say that whenever one of us admits something big, we worry that the other will never speak to us again."

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