Chapter 4

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A/N: Ok I'm going to upload this chapter a little early because I love you and I have free time.

I've been trying to make this story a little different from my other two by writing it all in 3rd person. Sometimes I try to start writing in first person and I have to stop myself or I don't notice it until I've already done it so I have to go back and edit it all out. Yay.

I wanted to upload another chapter of this story tonight because I had the time to work on it. There might still be another chapter tomorrow (it depends on how much homework I have). I really want to upload a lot on this story because having the motivation to really get a story started is always hard for me. 

I hope all of you like this chapter (sorry for the longer than normal author's note at the beginning). I really want to know what you guys think so far!

John walked back into room 221, expecting Sherlock to still be reading. Instead, he was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, staring at the door. John was surprised by his roommate's change in position. Sherlock saw John's confusion and quickly explained himself.

"I've been waiting for you to get back. I wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to make you leave."

"It's fine. It was a nice day so I did my reading outside. And I went to the library... again. I actually got a book this time."

"Oh. I'm still sorry anyway. I don't want to kick you out all the time."

"Thanks. It would be nice to be able to actually spend time in here."

"Could we set up some rules? There are things I need and I want us to be at an understanding so I don't sound rude when I ask for them."

"Sure, yeah."

"There will be times when I need to go to my mind palace. Before you ask, it's a technique for potentially remembering every bit of information you learn and it requires immense amounts of concentration. I need total silence. Another thing is that I can't be expected to leave if you try to sneak a girl in here. If you want to do that, here is not the place."

"Alright. And I wouldn't try to bring a girl here anyway."

"There are times when I get lost in thought and I won't say anything for hours on end. That happens regularly, so don't be offended because you think I'm ignoring you. How do you feel about the violin?"

"I don't mind it."

"I like to play the violin while I'm thinking. If that will be an issue, I suggest going somewhere else for the time. Also, don't try to make me do anything. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself and I already have my brother trying to make me eat more."

"You have a brother?"

"Yes. Older. He's also a student here and I try my best to avoid him."

"And the last rule, don't worry. It's not my place so I'll leave that to you."

"I'm glad you're agreeing. Previous roommates have always been far less understanding."

"I don't want to be completely unfriendly with my roommates."

"Good. That will make life much easier for the both of us."

"It's almost time for dinner. We should go."

"Not hungry."

"Are you sure?"

"Did you already forget the last rule?"

"Sorry. Just trying to help."

"I don't need help."

John goes down to dinner and finds Molly, Mike, and Greg. Sally and Anderson weren't there, just like Greg had expected. Molly moved closer to John after Mike and Greg started to have a separate conversation.

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