Chapter 14

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A/N: So I decided that I was going to actually start writing this again on a regular basis for real. I spent a long time trying to get over a lot of personal crap and now everything is good and okay and I don't have to focus on not dying. Oh and I'm using a faster computer now and that makes writing easier. I'm not giving up on this story and would like to send a big thank you to everyone else who hasn't too.

I checked all the comments on the last chapter and they all say "please update" and it hurts my heart. I feel really bad about not posting anything so I promise I'll update more. 


Why was Sherlock acting so weird? John could tell he wasn't acting like himself, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. Sherlock was quite and reserved instead of exuding his regular arrogance; not that John minded. The boy next to him was more affectionate than normal and sat through the whole meal with a soft smile on his face. John sort of liked this side of Sherlock.

But it wasn't his Sherlock. John's Sherlock was bold and confident and never hesitated to show that he was the smartest person in the room. He never sat that close to John in public. Something was wrong, and whatever it was, it was serious enough to have Sherlock worried.

Frankly, that terrified John. Sherlock was always so confident in everything. The thought that there was something that Sherlock couldn't handle made John worry. Was it him? Is Sherlock still not used to their relationship? Does he not want to be with John anymore? Or did something else happen...?

John decided that he's going to ask Sherlock as soon as they get a chance to be alone. Alone. John's face flushed thinking about all the different possibilities. No, this wasn't the time for that. He should be worrying, not fantasizing. Sherlock might not even want him. He might say that he never wants to see John again and that he'll be moving out tomorrow. John's heart hurt when he thought about that. 

It wasn't fair. John loved him. He hadn't opened up to anyone like that before and the thought of losing what he had with Sherlock made him angry. Sherlock couldn't just walk into his life and make him feel this way, make him rethink everything, and leave out of the blue. John had to talk to him as soon as they got back to their room. 

John couldn't focus the rest of the day. All he could see were those furrowed brows peaking out from curly black hair. What was Sherlock going to say? Hell, what was he going to say? Could he really just barge in and ask Sherlock what was going on? Or would that make things worse? Would Sherlock even be there when he got back? John thought every possible conversation over in his head and it just made him worry more. Sherlock was unpredictable; it was impossible to try to figure things out before they happened.

It would be fine. They would talk, and no matter what the outcome was, John would be fine. John put on his fake "I'm okay, really" face and decided to stop feeling sorry for himself. Feeling bad about it wouldn't change anything and just made John feel pathetic. He would be fine. 

The cold wind bit at his cheeks as he walked back to the dorm. His eyes stung, and he kept trying to blame the weather, but deep down he knew it was a lie. John was walking in public and trying not to cry... over a boy. What was wrong with him? The old John wouldn't have done this. He would have just brushed it off. Friends always came and went and he was never broken up about it. Then again, Sherlock isn't just a friend. 

John took a deep breath outside their door. He was ready for this. He'd been preparing all day and it was going to be fine. He reached for the door knob and opened it slowly. Sherlock was there, casually sitting on his bed with a book in his hand.


Sherlock looked up from his book, obviously confused. That didn't come out the way John hoped it would. So much for being cool and composed. They hadn't even been in the same room for thirty seconds and John was freaking out. He cleared his throat and decided to try again.

"Sherlock, I need to talk to you. You've been acting strange lately."

"I was wondering when you'd notice..."

"So you've been expecting this? What's going on?"

"John I didn't want to tell you..."

"Tell me what, Sherlock? That you don't want to do this anymore?" John didn't mean for that to come out. He immediately regretted it as soon as he said it and wished he could take it back. How would Sherlock respond? 

Sherlock looked down and took a deep breath. What was he going to say? John looked at him and tried to find something that would give away what he was thinking. He hated that he couldn't figure Sherlock out. Sherlock looked up again with a hurt look on his face.

"So that's what you thought this was..."

"What?" John looked down at the floor. He felt like an idiot. Sherlock wasn't going to leave him. He'd worried and started this and he was wrong about it the whole time. He didn't look up when he heard the bed squeak as Sherlock got up. John didn't have the energy to protest as the taller boy wrapped his arms around his shoulders. 

"I'm sorry I made you worry, John." Sherlock kissed the top of his head reassuringly. John felt the tears start to fall down his cheeks. He was relieved, but he was still upset. Sherlock was still worried about something and John didn't know him well enough to realize what was causing it. John hardly knew anything about him...

"John, I want this to work just as much as you do."


"I'm not sure if you understand how much it means, but I told you that I love you. You are the most remarkable person I've ever met and you've managed to capture my heart. You're so incredibly dear to me and that's what makes me worry."

"Why would that make you worry?"

"Because I worry that someone might try to steal you away." 

John was confused. Who was going to try to split them up? Clearly there was still a lot that Sherlock wasn't telling him, but now wasn't the time. Sherlock didn't want to leave him and that's all that matters. John pulled Sherlock closer and burried his face in his chest. He never wanted to let go.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Sherlock grabbed John and set him down next to him on the bed. He didn't want to let John out of his sight again. John was his and there was no way he was going to let Jim lay a finger on him.

Sorry this chapter was kind of short. I'm going to have another chapter up soon and that one will be longer. I've decided that for now I'm going to keep dancing around the whole "trouble with Moriarty" thing so here, have some nice fluff instead. 

Again, a huge thank you to everyone still reading this story. I'm sorry I've been a horrible person and not updated in months. I am going to get back into writing regularly and finish this story and not leave it halfway through. I'll see all of you guys soon in the next chapter!

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