Chapter 15

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A/N: So as promised, here's another chapter for you guys. I tried to write this as fast as I possibly could to make up for not posting anything in forever. I'll try to get another one up this week, but I have a bunch of crap going on and I'm out of town this weekend and that will probably throw everything off. I'm taking my laptop with me and will probably spend the 4 hour car ride writing.

Sherlock was back to normal and John was relieved. Things were okay between the two of them and he didn't want to push it; whatever had Sherlock worried could wait. John wanted to take the time to really get to know Sherlock. Sure, he knew enough about him to know he liked him, but he didn't know the details. He wanted to know about his favorite food and what he did in his free time at home and where he liked to spend time on the weekends. John really wanted what they had to be something more. He wanted a real relationship.

...And a real relationship meant they would have to tell people. Sure, some of their friends had already figured it out, but they would have to actually come out about it formally at some point. John would have to tell Molly. He really liked Molly and didn't want to tell her, but he felt bad not telling her. She deserved to know before they said it officially. Molly wouldn't be too broken up about it, right? She's only... in love with Sherlock. Damn it. This would be harder than he thought.

Sometime between classes he would tell her. It would be fine. She would just accept it and move on and continue to be friends with both of them. Everything would be normal and it would all work out.

Who was he kidding? Every scenario he played out in his head ended up with her saying something like "I loved him first, you bastard!" and John getting slapped. He really really didn't want to have to be the one to tell Molly. He knew he had to though; hearing it from him was going to be easier than hearing it from Sherlock.

John caught up to Molly in the hall on the way out of class. They had a fairly long break until the next one and this would be the best time to say it. Time to man up and get it over with.

"Hey, Molly!"

"John, hi. Did you take notes today? I was a bit distracted and missed a few things."

"Yeah, I did. Oh, uh, I wanted to talk to you."


"I've been meaning to tell you this, but I hadn't managed to gather the nerve to say it until now."

"Spit it out."

"Sherlock and I... are sort of in a relationship..." Molly's cheeks turned a shade of bright crimson. Embarrassed, she pulled her books closer to her chest.

"That explains why he was never interested in me. I always just assumed that it was because he was Sherlock and that just the way he was. I never though he was..." Molly blushed again.

"I'm sorry. I meant to tell you sooner-"

"No no no. It's fine. I'm the one who should have seen it. I've known Sherlock for years; it should have been obvious. He started acting happier when you came along. I should have guessed someone who was just a friend couldn't have been able to do that. I'm happy for you two though, really."

Molly looked more embarrassed than happy, but the whole conversation went better than John had expected it too. He knew she was upset, but Molly wasn't showing it. She was the type to brush things off so friends wouldn't worry about her. Her true feelings wouldn't come out until she was alone.

"Thank you, Molly."

"For what?"

"Not slapping me."

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