Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm uploading another chapter tonight just because I'm going to be busy tomorrow. The boyf and I are going on a real date (not just sitting around and watching Doctor Who). It's pretty exciting. 

This chapter will hopefully be a bit longer than the past few. I left the last chapter with a big cliffhanger, so everything will be resolved in this chapter. Woo Moriarty's in this story! They're just not the same without him, right? There has to be some sort of baddie and of course Moriarty is the best.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I hope you enjoy the fact that I'm getting this chapter up a little early. It's my gift to you for Valentine's day (better than chocolate, I know). 

"Did you miss me?"


"Thought you got rid of me, didn't you Sherlock?"

"That was the idea, yes. Why are you here?"

"Just wanted to stop by and see an old friend, that's all. I'm not here to hurt you."

"I've found it's best not to trust you."

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"I'm calling you a pathological liar. And a very good one. You should be flattered."

"I didn't come here for flattery, Sherlock."

James and Sherlock had been friends the last two years of primary school. They were both incredibly smart, and that's what drew them to each other; two young sociopaths who were bored by ordinary children. They spent all of their time together tricking other children and making deductions. They were the only two in the world who matched each other's intellect and cured each other's boredom.

Both of their families were very wealthy, so they were sent to the same boarding school. They were roommates the first year there. The school wasn't bad, other than the fact that it was mundane and everyone there was an idiot. At least, that's what they thought before the year started to progress.

Sherlock and James were both seen as freaks by the other students. Even the teachers started to resort to name calling. Sherlock was able to escape the worst of the bullying, being that he was taller than most of the students in his his year and a lot of the older students. James wasn't as lucky. 

The smaller boy was always getting bullied. He was one of the two 'freaks' and he was the one that was an easier target. He was short and bony and couldn't fight off the stronger, athletic boys. They always made fun of his accent, his appearance, and his intellect. Little did they know that he was the more aggressive one. 

Sherlock usually ignored the cruelty of the other students. James had a lot more trouble letting it go. He was always filled with so much rage and hatred towards the other students. He even started to hate all the students who were nice to him. Sherlock was worried about his friend. He didn't want to watch his only friend in the world fall apart like this. James got worse and worse and Sherlock tried desperately to be there for him, but sociopaths aren't the best at comforting. 

As James got worse, he started to get more violent. It started with just skipping class from time to time, and then it turned into outbursts of swearing at teachers and other students. Any time someone insulted him, he started a fight -which he usually lost- and ended up in the principal's office. James would disappear during the day and not tell Sherlock where he had been. Then, the drugs started. It wasn't that bad at first, but after a month or two, he couldn't go a day without getting high. He stopped talking to Sherlock about problems. The fights with other students turned into James pulling a knife on people who crossed him. James got worse, and Sherlock kept worrying about him more.

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