Chapter 13

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A/N: This is just me rambling so skip if you want. 

There are two things you should know about me: 1) I'm a pathological liar. 2) I'm also a terrible person. I lied to you about when I'd have another chapter up... again. So um, some explanations are in order. I won an award for my science fair project. I got the "overall excellence by a woman" award which seems a bit sexist to me, but hell, I got $25. With that, my mother will currently not get off my dick about my physics grade (it was a high B last quarter and my average is already back to an A, but apparently that isn't good enough). I'm supposed to be studying, but instead I'm writing more fanfic for all of you, my ever so patient lovelies. 

Anywho. I hope you guys like this chapter and forgive me for my lateness.

Sherlock felt better in the next couple weeks, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Of course, things were fine between him and John, but he felt uneasy all the time. Odds are, it had something to do with Jim. Jim hadn't done anything recently, and that made Sherlock very, very nervous. 

He couldn't tell any of this to John. John was happy and Sherlock couldn't let anything get in the way of that. How does the saying go, "ignorance is bliss"? Football season was starting to get serious and John already had enough to focus on. Sherlock could deal with Jim by himself. He had before, what would make this time so much different? John would find out eventually, but Sherlock wanted to keep him out of it for as long as possible. 

To John, everything was normal. Sherlock started eating at the regular table more often and they even paired up on a couple anatomy assignments. John felt like they were starting to get closer and spend time together like a regular couple (little did he know that Sherlock was only staying so close to him because he needed to keep an eye on John). 

The two of them hadn't brought up the topic of "you know what" since the first time. Both of them were still too embarrassed to suggest doing anything more than the occasional kiss. They still wanted to wait a while before doing anything in public, both of them fearing the consequences of coming out in a school full of narrow-minded idiots. 

They should probably tell Molly soon. Greg knew and John was fairly certain that Mike had figured it out. She was the only one left out and John felt bad about it. Sherlock would be indifferent no matter how they handled the situation. John was torn, though, because he felt bad keeping it from Molly, but he would also feel bad about telling her since she still had feelings for Sherlock. Sherlock wasn't much help in the matter considering he wasn't good at processing other people's emotions. 

Sherlock walked into the library one morning, hoping to get a little bit of time alone. He was worried about what Jim had planned and needed some quiet to clear his head. John didn't question it since he knew Sherlock just needed personal space. The library was empty with only half the lights turned on in the oversized room. He went back to his usual spot - a little chair tucked in the corner, well secluded from the rest of the sitting areas. There was a small piece of paper folded and taped to the underside of the chair. 

You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock. 

Reading the note written in Jim's careful, elegant handwriting sent shivers down his spine. The note was intended for him, hidden in a place where no ordinary person would notice it and the only one clever enough to put it there was James. He needed to find a new spot to clear his head since this one clearly wasn't working. 

He left the library and headed towards one of the benches on the quad. It was still to early for most students to be walking around -most of them were still waking up- and the dew-covered grass remained undisturbed. Grass clippings, slight odor. Freshly cut. A thin layer of fog coated the ground just around Sherlock's ankles. 

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