Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry I've been really bad about updating this story. Now that I've mostly finished the other one I've been working on, this will be my main story that I update at least twice a week. I'm also working on a collaborative project that will probably be up eventually. It's very exciting and we're planning the beginning at 1 am. 

I really hope you guys like this chapter. This is going to be John and Sherlock's date and it's cute and I'm sorry for making you wait so long. 

Sherlock was ambivalent about spending time with John like this. He'd never gotten close to anyone like this in the past and didn't know how to interact with friends. Most importantly, though, did John consider this a date? For some reason, Sherlock hoped so. He couldn't explain it because there was no logical reason behind it; it was all... sentiment. 

John had butterflies in his stomach through all his classes. He was going out on a date (to him, it was a date at least) with his roommate. No, not just his roommate. His male roommate who didn't have friends. Should he tell Sherlock how he felt to just get it over with? Or should he wait so it doesn't ruin the chance of a real friendship between the two of them?

The clock ticks by much more slowly than John would like. As the day goes on, he notices himself growing more and more impatient. As soon as the final bell rings, John rushes out the door to find Sherlock standing in a sea of students. He waves at Sherlock and Sherlock half-smiles back. Sherlock walks towards him and they meet halfway, both excited to leave. 

John and Sherlock walked a few blocks down to the nearest park. It was a surprisingly nice day; chilly, but nothing a light jacket wouldn't fix and the sun was out. The crowd was a mix of strangers and groups of students in familiar uniforms. John started to scan the crowd to find someone who would be fun for Sherlock to deduce. He picked a woman in her early thirties with a todler for the first one.

"How about her, the blonde over there with the kid?"

"Single mother, widowed. She still wears her wedding ring, along with a man's gold band on a chain around her neck. The dark circles around her eyes show that she works night shifts and gets a few hours of sleep in the early morning while she has teenage neighbor watch him. She takes care of him the rest of the day and then goes to work again the next night."

"You got all of that from just a look?"

"It's what I do. Pick another person."

"The athletic looking one next to the pretty girl."

"That doesn't really count because I recognize him and have seen at least some of what he's like."

"Alright. Well... Deduce me. What am I thinking right now?"


"Because it would be fun, Sherlock."

Sherlock clears his head before taking a long look at John. He looks like normal, ordinary John. Immediately, Sherlock sees "loyal" and "trustworthy". It takes him longer to pick up on some of the more important things.

John looks nervous, more nervous than he should. He wanted me to deduce him. Why? Because it's fun? No. There's another reason. He doesn't want to say something so he wants me to figure it out. What would he be hiding? Something embarrassing? John isn't the type to be easily embarrassed by insignificant things. What if it is significant? What could be so embarrassing that he wouldn't tell me? He tends to tell me everything.

Then it hits him. Sherlock had never felt more oblivious in his entire life. It was so obvious and it was right in front of him the whole time. He just didn't pay attention to it because it was John.

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