Chapter 10

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A/N: We've reached 1k! Woo! I love your faces! It means a lot when I see how many reads I get. I'm really excited about all of this. 

This chapter will be a little shorter than normal. I started it pretty late, but I'm determined to get this uploaded tonight. I'm sticking to the schedule I promised. I hope you guys like this chapter. 

Sherlock didn't want to be alone in the mornings anymore. He didn't want to risk having to face James alone. Anyting would be better than that, even having to deal with ordinary people and their boring conversations. Sherlock got up at the same time he always did (his body sort of did it automatically now) and didn't know what to do until John woke up. Shower? That would only use up some of the time. 

John slept for another hour. Sherlock was ready to explode by the time John's alarm finally went off. John was startled when he woke up to find Sherlock sitting on the bed across from him, glaring.


"I've been up for an hour and a half. Do you have any idea how boring it is when I'm trying to not wake you up? It's hard. Can we go now?"

"Just give me a couple minutes to get dressed, ok?"


"You really didn't have to wait, you know."

How did Sherlock tell him? He couldn't just say that his ex-best friend is a murderer and he's completely terrified. Sherlock would have to tell John about Jim eventually, or else John would find out the hard way. James is dangerous and if he's after Sherlock, John is in danger too. 

"I just didn't want to be alone this morning. That happens sometimes. Usually people have bad days and want to be alone. That's me most of the time, so I occasionally have days where I don't want to be alone."

"Alright. I need one more minute to brush my teeth."

Sherlock grabbed his bag and stood impatiently by the door. What was taking John so long? It had already been... 43 seconds? Based on the average time it takes John to bru-

John walks out of the bathroom and Sherlock spins around. He was expecting John to come out, but it still startled him. He was nervous. James was back. Everything was bad. Very, very bad.

"Sherlock? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine. Ready?"

"You're really jumpy. And more impatient than normal."

"Let's just go. It's fine."

"You're clearly not fine, but we can talk about this later. Let's get breakfast."

Sherlock and John walk to breakfast in silence. Sherlock didn't know what to say to him. He wasn't ok and John knew that, but he doesn't want John's help. He can't let John get involved. John was going to try to ask again later, and Sherlock had to come up with some sort of excuse. 

Everyone else at the table is surprised to see Sherlock there. Molly tries to hide a smile and her reddening cheeks. Greg looked at the two of them, surprised. Mike looked at them proudly (he did feel responsible for their being friends). He was the first to speak up.

"Sherlock! I'm glad to see that the two of you are getting along. You're even here at breakfast. Has John managed to drag you out of your shell?"

"Not quite. But I'm starting."

John tried to hide his smile, but Greg noticed it first. As soon as the two of them walked up, he could tell that something was different. Sherlock was being a little too friendly for Sherlock. He would ask John about it later. 

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