Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry again that I haven't uploaded a new chapter. If you read my author's note, you know why. The last big thing I have to do is tomorrow and I'm stressed out and ugh. I promise things will be back to normal after that. 

This chapter is probably going to be a bit shorter just because I've still been really busy, but I still wanted to get something up for you guys. I am still taking the time to edit and everything so don't worry about me doing a half-assed job.

Anywho. I hope you guys like this chapter and forgive me for the lateness.

John spent most of the night thinking about Sherlock. He was glad that Sherlock was able to get some peace of mind, but it put John under more stress. At least Sherlock didn't have the burden to bear on his own anymore. John eventually fell asleep with a few hours left before he had to wake up for school.

When Sherlock woke up, he decided to let John sleep. The bags under his eyes were a clear sign of sleep deprivation and he was more cross with the alarm clock than normal. Sherlock felt bad for telling him. He never wanted John to find out if he could help it. How could he ask John to just accept something like that? 

He'll probably leave. No one wants to deal with your shit, Sherlock.

Sherlock quickly pushed the thought out of his head and retreats into his mind palace, sulking. John wakes up soon after and groggily gets ready. He slept in later than he should have, but he was thankful that Sherlock let him sleep. He tried to pick up his pace so they would get to breakfast at a reasonable time. 

Breakfast was surprisingly not awkward, considering Greg knew they were a couple and Molly was still in love with Sherlock. Greg was good about keeping it a secret, but he kept flashing the two of them little grins when Molly wasn't looking. Molly kept smiling at Sherlock like she always does, hoping to get his attention. They managed to make it through breakfast without accidentally saying something that gave it away. 

In anatomy, John could tell there was still something wrong with Sherlock. Sherlock was talking less than usual and wouldn't even look at him. Even Molly could tell that something was bothering him. John figured this wasn't the time or place and decided that it would be best to discuss it privately. 

"What's wrong with Sherlock?"

John was startled by the sudden question from Molly. He hadn't been paying much attention during the class and it caught him off guard.

"I don't know. He wasn't like this last night."

"What could make him change like that? Other than the typical Sherlock things..."

"No idea. He's not one to share his feelings."

"I worry about him sometimes."

"I do too."

"You're probably closer to him than I am, but I still think of him as a friend. He's good. He's barely managing to keep it together and sometimes he says the most horrible things, but he's good."

"Trust me, I know." John lets out a quiet chuckle. 

"I'm glad you're his roommate."


"I'm glad that you were the one who got stuck with him this year. Usually, people aren't nearly as understanding. He needed someone, a real friend. Even Greg and I can't put up with him the same way you do. He's lucky to have gotten you instead of some stupid roommate."

"It's kind of nice, being his friend. Nothing makes you feel more special than being liked by the person who hates everyone."

Sherlock didn't talk much for the rest of the day. He was worried that John's going to leave. Why would he stay now that he knew what he would have to deal with? Sherlock wasn't worth the trouble. He spent most of the day in his mind palace, trying to think of anything that would help the situation or somehow make it less painful.

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