Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey guys! Mondays are really crazy for me, so I think I may just upload chapter on Tuesdays  instead starting next week. I really wanted to get this chapter up just because I've been bad about updating this story and I really want to get into a normal schedule.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I still have no idea where this story is going to go yet, but I'm going to just keep writing and figure it out. I've gotten over 400 reads on this story so far and that means a lot since I've been neglecting it and there aren't many chapters so far. This chapter is probably going to be a little bit shorter and there will be a new character introduced *dun dun duuun*. 

Sherlock and John treated the next day of classes like they would any other day. John went with him to the library, Sherlock worked on his own in the classes they shared. Anyone looking at them who didn't already know wouldn't have any reason to suspect that something had changed. The two of them just looked like friends/roommates who enjoyed each other's company.

John was afraid to mention anything at lunch. Unlike Sherlock, John needed to eat three meals a day, so he went back to sitting with Molly and Greg. All through lunch, he was worried about accidently giving away something being different. He was worried about telling Mike and Greg since he didn't know how they would feel about him being with a bloke and he didn't want to tell Molly because it would probably hurt knowing that he and Sherlock are together. He'll just wait a while before telling them.

Unless you give it away first. 

John shakes the nagging voice out of his head and continues pushing his food around his plate.

"John, something wrong?"

"What? Uh, no. I'm fine, Molly."

"You seem a bit off, like you're trying to hide something."

"Hide something? Why would I hide something? That's silly, of course not."

"Is it about that girl, the pretty one that you mentioned the other day?"

"Yes, actually-" Good save, John. 

"Did you get her name?"

"Her name's Amanda. She's really lovely. Doesn't seem to interested in me, I'm afraid."

"How do you know? Have you talked to her?"

"Sort of. She usually seems pretty preoccupied with other friends so I've hardly been able to get a word in."

Good one. Adding that she ignored me will make it more believable. And if there is an Amanda and Molly asks her about me, I can just say she must not have noticed when I tried to talk to her. This won't be too bad. I can tell a decent white lie. It's not hurting anyone, right? 

"Well, you should try to talk to her again. I'm sure she'd like you if you two got into a conversation." Molly flashed her sweet smile at him, trying to be supportive and encouraging. 

"I will. I'll try to catch her outside of class later."

"You really should introduce us if you do. She seems nice and I don't think I know her."

John laughs nervously before gulping it down. Molly must realize something more than that is going on. No one is really this fidgety because of a girl.

No, not a girl. Just Sherlock. He does seem to have that effect on people. 

"Are you sure you're alright? You still look a bit distracted."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. Sorry."

Sherlock went to the library again while John went to lunch. It's odd, John having to eat. That's just another thing that separates Sherlock from most humans. The only other people in the library are the elderly librarian with the cat-eye glasses and some disheveled students rushing to get assignments done before their next class. 

He uses the time he has alone to process everything that's happened without being distracted with John in the room. They're... dating... now. It seems so illogical, but not unpleasant. Sherlock has always been bored by typical interactions between people, but this is different. He wants this relationship with John. He doesn't know why, but he does. 

What's Mycroft going to think when he finds out about John -assuming he doesn't already know-? How is Sherlock going to explain that he has feelings for someone else? Mycroft is never going to let him hear the end of it. 

What about John? How is he handling all of this? He seems so calm and relaxed around Sherlock; like it's the most natural thing in the world. Is it, for him? Is he used to this sort of thing? Would he tell anyone that they were a couple yet or would he try to hide it for as long as possible?

While Sherlock was thinking, a dark-haired boy in a nicely pressed school uniform walked by. There was the soft sound of a familiar funk beat playing through his headphones as he glided by, but Sherlock paid no attention to it. It wasn't until the boy circled around one of the shelves and started to walk back that Sherlock realized who it was. The boy glared down at him with a wide grin. 

"Did you miss me?"

*GASP* Moriarty?! Of course he had to show up at some point. Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain, right? Ehehe more back-story to come. Sorry this chapter is kind of short. I really just wanted to end that there.

I really hope you guys liked this chapter. I love all of you who read this and I'm really thankful for all the love and support from everyone on here. I promise to get better about updating this story more often. 

*TOTALLY RANDOM SKIP IF YOU WANT* So my friend is going on foreign exchange next year and she was hanging out with some of the students who came here this year and one of them is named Sebastian. She introduced us and he said to call him Seb. Seb. *Tries desperately to control inner Jim* UGH MORMOR FEELS! So on that note, question of the chapter is... Would you be interested in a Mormor smut fic? Because I really want to write one. Ok bye. 


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