Not Your Ordinary Meteor

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"My fellow Avalorans...", Elena began, which was how all of her speeches tended to begin, and while this was not so big an event as the First Eclipse in Years, the Crowned Princess did a good job of giving it it's due and comparing it to the hope of Avalor, this time.

Elena even paused a small bit and studied the still night sky, before smiling as her speech concluded minus any Incidents!

In almost perfect timing, as she finished up, and stepped down, the first of the shower began and small lights, almost seeming like more glorious stars, could be seen shooting along the night sky.

Pausing before she reached the pavilion where the lights, and everyone one, were Elena turned in the midst of the clearing to watch a bit of the shower. It was breathtaking even without the aid of a telescope, such as Naomi had still confiscated and in her use.

For manners and chivalry's sake, Mateo didn't argue and just watched the shower under normal observation.

"Whoah! Is it suppose to be green?", this question from the Harbor Master's daughter brought many a puzzled look.

" let me see", Mateo move over, Naomi actually letting him have at the telescope to answer this, and peered. Only for a bit, next raising his gaze from the lense, but only looking more confused. "That's not normal...I don't think".

Few were thinking it a problem, though. Elena smiled back at everyone only a few paces from the pavilion cover, "Do you see that?".

"Yeah, maybe step all the way over here...", Naomi said, motioning her friend closer.

"Oh Naomi, it's not a problem, I don't think it'll...", she was cut off as that particular one seemed to hit the ground, too far away to see, but everyone felt the tremor. Elena being knocked back towards the pavilion and the combined people of Naomi and Francisco catching her before everyone sort of lost their footing to one extent or another.

"That...", Mateo pulled himself back up by way of his now toppled telescope, which had been what had knocked him aside more than the jolt really, "...was close. Everyone alright?", he glanced over to assess as everyone else stood.

Naomi didn't know if he meant a near miss with hitting the pavilion or the proximity of the actual rock. "Yeah...", she agreed either-way. Then grinning, "let's go see it close up!".

"I wouldn't", Mateo called after her as she charged off, yet thankfully he didn't have to try to stop his friend, as Naomi paused halfway out anyway. Everyone watched her slowly back up again.

"N-Naomi...", Mateo frowned. What would make the at times brash Harbor Master's daughter...

"What is it?", Elena finished the thought. Everyone now saw the sort of green fog that looked like it slowly pursued the girl as she backed up. Mateo had taken one step out, to aid or in a scholarly interest, when a flash shot out, from the ground or sky hard to tell, and...that and a few voices was the last either Mateo or Elena recalled.

"Elena!", she heard her grandparents called her name, Isabel's fearful voice in there too, before blacking out.

Mateo heard his mother shout a similar cry and...rushing feet, either hers or...

"It hit both of them!", Naomi's voice as she rushed over.

"Quickly, ge-", Francisco's distinct tones. Then the Royal Wizard also lost consciousness.

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