Something's Very Wrong

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{Alright everyone just hold on. This chapter may be bumpy}

"Señor Franciso....!", Mateo bolted through the front doors of the palace ahead of and leaving Naomi to hand off the horses, though she could hardly blame him this and followed not too long after, once she handed the reigns off to Gabe. "Anything new yet?", Naomi paused to ask the guard. "One of the servants said Elena came to and was muttering something, she went off to fetch water and something light in case she wanted something to eat".

"Well, up is better", Naomi concluded with a small smile as she walked in. Gabe nodded as if in agreement with the sentiment.

"Mateo", Franciso turned to the Royal Wizard, "You shouldn't be up and about this soon, we thought Naomi came and told you...".

"She did" Mateo got out, then realized he had interrupted the late queen's parents and Crowned Princesses grandparents, pretty near royalty themselves. "I...sorry, but...I had to come see her".

"Gabe said she's up?", Naomi asked rather than told.

"So we've been informed", Franciso said, "but we've yet to...". He cut of again at the sound of footsteps and everyone looked to see Elena, rubbing at her head a bit drowsily, but up all the same.

"Mijita! Don't try to push it!", Luisa made her way over concerned.

"Im fine, Abuela!", Elena got out, a bit curtly, but given what she'd just been through none judged it too much. Her face then squeezed and she seemed either in pain or to be concentrating on something. She muttered but none caught it, then with a more natural smile, she faced everyone again, "Sorry, I'm fine, really Abuela" she softened her tone, "or, not tired at least ...".

"It affected you worse?" Mateo asked and said at the same time, with a concerned frown as he stepped nearer.

Elena seemed to study the wizard, "Mateo. You're alright, a-are you?", an emphasizes was in the question that none understood, wizard included, Elena saw.

"Yeah, you? I-it's still lingering?".

" could say...", Elena focused on her friend again, "No nightmares?", she asked.

"Not that I recall", Mateo said. "Just this", he showed his Tamborita.

"Oh, Mateo I'm sorry" Elena said, then frowned and shook her head, "you shouldn't have shown me that maybe...I...I have to ask you things...on nightmares and...", she frowned and shook her head.

"Elena, what is it?", Mateo took a step nearer.

Elena turned, "I...I don't trust myself, and that's as odd as it sounds, it' that aren't mine are...", she stiffened, hands clenching, "Could you all go to the courtyard or such real quick. Please".

Luisa took a step nearer, "Mijita...whatever this is, let us help".

"That will help", Elena answered, "Please".

Everyone hesitated, then slowly did as she bid, Franciso ushering out a few servants as Elena saw to her relief. Good, because given what this internal battle felt like she feared.


Naomi and Mateo had stayed. No...

"Guys please", the princess begged again.

"We're not leaving you. What did you mean? What kind of nightmares?", Mateo stepped around to the side of her, Naomi following.

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