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"Ok, first off, you all never tell me anything!", Isabel didn't sound so much angry as frustrated, and that could possibly be at their circumstances as she and her family, and the few unaffected guards, sat in a cell. She had come downstairs to show her grandparents an invention and been set upon and surrounded by the rest of the guards!

Of course she'd known about Elena's whole trial with being affected by something, but not that the town had been affected the next day! This day! Being in her room working on inventions most of it would account for that, but still!

"We do when we can...", Elena tried, but knew her sister had a point. Luisa hugged her youngest granddaughter up as everyone glanced back over to where Gabe was still stepping back and rushing the bars, ramming them with his shoulder, trying to find some sort of weakness. Cid and the others took turns either rushing with him or otherwise testing the strength of their imprisonment method.

"Of course, we already know they're strong. One of the things we made sure of", Cid stated ironically.

"Well I'm not going to just sit here and trust to that...", Gabe stepped back and rushed the bars again.

"Gabe...", Elena sighed, "Stop. It won'". The guard finally seemed to be coming to this conclusion himself, and eventually slumped back against the wall.

"I'm sorry Princess, Señor, Señora...", he faced Luisa and Francisco as well, "I've failed all of you".

"It's not your fault", Elena placed a hand to his shoulder, "Curses are...tricky".

Cid sighed, "I know from personal experience that Elena can pull people out of it one by one and with personal appeal and just being her, but...I wouldn't suggest risking that for every one of the villagers out there!".

There were nods all about. Elena sighed, "I hope Mateo and Naomi are doing alright, as in better than we are...", she of course realized that they were the two missing from the group. Well, but if they had the potions...maybe...

"Our fate is in the hands of the councilwoman?", Esteban rubbed at his forehead.


"Hurry up!", Naomi sprinted down the boardwalk, carrying a smaller basket than Mateo was of the potions, but also just able to run faster and with more agility. Not that the wizard had none himself, but the councilwoman was again more familiar and comfortable around the docks than he. They'd pelted a few villagers who looked upset along their way (one of which was just the bread seller's normal mood, and so Naomi apologized shortly after) but both still knew they had their work cut out for them, and that this wasn't over yet, and they would need help.

And who better, at the moment, than Captain Turner!

Reaching home, Naomi shifted her basket to one hand, and unlocked the door, barging in. "Dad! Hey dad!". She didn't know if her father would be home at this time of day, but soon saw him come around from one of the back rooms. He also seemed to have some hint of what was up, since he went directly to the front door and closed and locked it.

"There...I've been fighting off irate sailors all day, and I don't think they are as upset about their pay rate as they say...", Captain Turner then turned to his daughter and the Royal Wizard.

Mateo swallowed and tried to explain. "It's...worse than irate sailors, Sir...they...the town, they're...revolting!", Naomi's father was on the point of a poor joke, (probably where she got it), but saw what the wizard was saying and nodded.

"It's that fog, the way it effected Elena it's now effected everyone! Partly...due to me...", Mateo went on.

"Just 'cause it's evil fog", Naomi corrected, "We have potions Mateo made, but we can't contain them all, or probably distribute them all in time to stop it!", Naomi went on. Captain Turner pondered a moment.

", in my experience when you're throwing things it puts people on edge...but...I may just have an idea", Captain Turner glanced up, "it'll put you two back into the fray I'm afraid and...require some acting skills".

Mateo and Naomi frowned confused but then nodded. "We'll do whatever it takes, Sir", Mateo said, Naomi nodded again.

Naomi's father sighed, "I'm a poor father, letting my daughter have such a big role in what I'm thinking...".

"Dad! I was there before, and it will in fact stop all this and keep me safer, in a way; what is it?", Naomi urged.

If Elena Turned EvilWhere stories live. Discover now