The Chancellor

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"E-Estaban...", Elena paused, glancing her cousin over for any sign of anything unusual. Though even having been cursed herself with...whatever this was...she didn't quite know what it would look like outside and on people. Cid had been otherwise normal. Still, the younger guard also glanced the Chancellor over as if looking for clues as well, while Gabe stepped in front of Elena, just in case.

"Elena...why do you have to make this difficult?", it might have been a normal question out of Estaban, except that Elena caught an under current in his tone that, no matter how annoyed with her way of doing things, he never used. Her cousin was not shy about giving better options to the one's she suggested, but Elena didn't expect him to ever actually try to under cut them, or throw her from the throne.

Or aid those who wanted to...

Yes, of course, there had been the whole thing with Shuriki, but as he said, he had been protecting the painting with their grandparents and Isabel in it!

Gabe's hand had been on his sword hilt and he tightened it, "Chancellor, I'm going to have to ask you to step back until we know for sure you mean no harm...". Estaban ignored the lieutenant, going to walk forward and past, and the moment of hesitation from both guards (though they both kept Elena well hedged in and protected), and all really, of not wanting to hurt Estaban when he wasn't in his right mind, was enough to see him make too much headway and actually walk past.

Until they realized he was headed towards the staircase and front door! "It will merely be imprisonment when they...".

Gabe realized his hands were tied and forced, as it were, and tackled the chancellor, Cid rushing forward to help, sitting on his knees. Elena felt beyond bad for her cousin of course (none of this was Esteban's choice or fault!), yet still knew what she had to do herself.

With the two guards taking care of Esteban, she made her escape, but the wrong way! Back down the steps and towards the front!

Gabe saw the logic of course! She was going for her grandparents, who could help the Chancellor, but still!

"E-elena...princess!", Gabe was less concerned with if he'd just messed up, calling her by her first name (though after everything he, Mateo, her and Naomi had got into and survived, perhaps they had all beyond earned the right by now!), and more concerned with her current actions! She needed to get to Mateo and see about the potions...

Gabe started to move, before Cid corrected him, with little more than a look of panic at first and as he leaned further to try to further secure the Chancellor. "Gabe...I can't...hold him without you and...".

"Oh, where are the others?", Gabe wondered, and was about to call for the few other guards Elena had said they had.

"Watching the door", Cid answered the rhetorical. The Chancellor made another move that seemed incredibly close to allowing him to stand, and so Cid focused his attentions once more on his hold, such as it was. Gabe saw his friend's point, of course, and didn't move from his spot, but went to call once more, when a sound from below further worried him. The door sounded like it was close to giving way at any moment now! From the pounding and noises.

They didn't have enough guards for this! Either job. Which he had already known of course...

Oh where were Mateo and Naomi with the potions...

That was their only hope now!

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