The Potion

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"Abuelo...Abuela...", Elena appeared at the bottom of the stairs once more, surprising both Francisco and Luisa! "Mija...", Luisa walked forward, "you should be...farther from the door, I...I thought you were going to find Mateo...".

"I was, but I had to tell you...", well it seemed silly now! Of course they knew of Esteban's being hit with it! Her grandfather had told her of it first! "It...I guess you know, Esteban needs help...".

It took a while for Luisa to get what kind of help, and her look softened, "Oh Mija I know, but, we're working on it. He's locked in his room", she gave a chuckle that was a try, "like when he was a tiny thing and was grounded, though we never locked the door then....".

"Except he's not, out, Gabe and Cid have him pinned down up on the landing", Elena informed. Luisa gasped. "He...he was going the door for the...mob", the princess continued.

"Oh, the poor thing! Now I know he's affected!", Luisa rushed up the stairs, Elena in her wake once more.

Francisco figured it was for the best they both went and saw to this, and were further from danger, so he let his wife and granddaughter go before turning to the guards he had with him. "Bring the table, also, quick..."., they continued bracing the door.


"Esteban! Mijo...", once reaching the top of the steps, Luisa knelt down next to her grandson, though thanks to their time in the painting he was almost their age; that didn't affect her grandmotherly doting though. Cid and Gabe just watched cautiously.

"Careful Ma'am, he's not himself", Gabe said.

"Oh, we didn't abandoned Elena and I'm not abandoning you", Luisa cooed, patting Esteban's cheek though he went to shrug away.

"Elena...", still sitting on Esteban, Gabe met her gaze, and Elena gasped. The Potion! Of course! She took off down the hallway to get to the library and it and see to it. Her grandmother would be fine with the two guards (she hoped!).

The panel was still open and Elena rushed in, "'s it coming...?". Glancing about the workshop she saw quite a few bottles, and Naomi rushing over to place more in a nearby basket.

"They're diluted or something", it was the harbor master's daughter who repeated what Mateo had no doubt said. Elena glanced to him and with a sigh, he capped another bottle.

"Not too bad...well I can't's different trying to make this much and I just hope...".

"Well that's all we've got at the moment, there...", Elena paused, but only briefly before going on, "the villagers are at the door, I don't know how many, but I think we're this close to a revolt!".

Mateo and Naomi blinked.

" can't be a revolt if it's not really them doing it...", Naomi said, almost thinking through it herself. She was interrupted as Mateo handed another bottle which she dashed over to place, "Well then, here, see how these go", she handed a basket. Elena took it and started back out. Naomi coming with with another.

Mateo, figuring they had done what was able here and now, grabbed up another bundle of what he'd managed to mix and followed the girls. Hopefully it was enough.

"Where should we launch them from? They're not all conveniently in one spot or...are they?", Naomi asked.

"It's hard to know, for sure", Elena said, "but we can get the ones at the door from the top of the castle ramparts, here, you two head that way, I'll give this to Abuela for Esteban", she entrusted the capable Naomi (who carried various bundles of stuff at the docks day in and out) with her basket also and pointed the way, rushing over to give Luisa the cure. From the feel she could tell it was the same transfer that had hit her and would dissipate once hitting Esteban. She could only hope it had no side effects.

"Abuela stand back, Gabe....Cid...", she paused.

"Just throw it", Gabe said, Cid nodding, both guards willing to take that chance she was thinking of to aid their kingdom. Closing her eyes, Elena did so, yet then opened them immediately after. All three, Esteban included, coughed and then...

Slowly, Gabe and Cid sat back, seeming fine, and the chancellor sat up.


Both Elena and Luisa rushed up.

"What...", Esteban sniffed at his sleeve, "Why do I smell like...old socks?". Elena was sure nothing like old socks was in Mateo's potion, but just laughed happily and hugged her cousin. "Glad to have you back, Cousin" she said very similar words yet again to what she'd told him back before. Poor Esteban, getting caught in the middle of their escapades.

This one of which wasn't over, though!

"Come on! We have villagers to cure next, or there will be an uprising!", Elena turned to head towards the upper staircases.

"Oh...yes, of course!", Esteban suddenly recalled and came with. Luisa paused, "You kids go on, I'll--".

Her words, saying she would probably check back with Francisco, were halted by a loud boom from down below and voices.

Oh no! Elena thought, please don't let them have got through!

"Quickly Princess, this way!", Gabe and Cid quickly snapped to action and duty and lead Elena off even as she glanced worriedly towards the lower levels her grandmother even now rushed down to!

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